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Get the list of startups companies on their funding history, investment activities, and acquisition trends.
500K Records
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240 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Amazon Seller Directory. Get Real-Time Verified Amazon Seller Data from our Amazon Seller Database. List of Amazon Sellers USA & EU emai...
200K Records
95% Accuracy Guaranteed
9 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Buy eCommerce Leads from Our Millions of eCommerce Leads Database Worldwide at Reasonable Price.
4 Million Leads
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112 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Get Accurate B2B Contact Data and Company Details. Affordable B2B Leads Database with Real-Time Email Validation.
200 Million
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240 countries covered
15 years of historical data
Salesforce.com User List 2024. Get a targeted list of Salesforce users for your campaigns.
100K Records
97% Accuracy Guaranteed
207 countries covered
15 years of historical data
Get an actionable list of companies using Stripe. Target Stripe customers to accomplish your sales and marketing goals.
300K Records
95% Accuracy Guaranteed
240 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Get the List of SaaS Companies Worldwide with Their Funding History. SaaS Companies Database 2024.
50K Records
100% Accuracy Guaranteed
207 countries covered
15 years of historical data
eCommerce Store List 2024. 5 Million Online Retail Businesses Worldwide. 15+ eCommerce Platforms
5M Records
95% Accuracy Guaranteed
240 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Get Contact Direct Dial/Cell Phone Number for Your Targeted Prospects| Real-time Verified Contact Phone Number
200 Million
70% Accuracy (approx.)
36 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Get 50K FinTech Companies Database Worldwide. Real-time verified data. 15+ data points for each company.
50K Records
109 countries covered
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Data Scraping. Get Companies and Publie Profile Data from Linkedin
700M Records
100% Accuracy
161 countries covered
10 years of historical data