MBI Geodata

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Industry leading maps - over 900 attributes, powered by millions of data Sources. Street map for displaying background maps, Geomarketi...
270 million footprints of buildings and structures
100% accuracy
247 countries covered
Client-side rendered vector tiles, pre-rendered map tiles or pre-rendered map images available for different zoom levels, display options...
200 Countries
100% accuracy
247 countries covered
Comprehensive geocoding and search functionality based on HERE's freshest database of addresses and POIs/ Place information. Understand d...
270M Point Addresses
70% Full Coverage
245 countries covered
Get accurate ETAs with routing algorithms that use rich map data sets and dynamically updated information. Solve complex real-world use ...
126 Full Navigable Coverage
147 countries covered
Index on political risks based on empirical data. The Subnational Resilience (SURE) and the Subnational Safety(SUSAFE) datasets identif...
45.6K regional values / year
100% coverage
240 countries covered
Consumer Spending by Product Groups quantifies the expenditures of consumers on certain groups of goods or services.
42 european countries available
51 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Where do people with different consumer styles live? The data is available for 51 countries in five continents and globally consistent an...
50 countries on 5 continents
51 countries covered
5 years of historical data