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We index over 200K messages from Reddit per day. Historical data aggregation is also possible (e.g. last 5 years from specific thread or ...
200K Messages per Day
122 countries covered
5 years of historical data
SemanticForce offers social media data from major Professional Social Networks (e.g. LinkedIn) via unified and robust API.
249 countries covered
10 years of historical data
SemanticForce constantly indexes news data from over 100K news sites, in 50+ languages from across the web. Data provided in structured a...
106 countries covered
SemanticForce offers Telegram datasets. We offer parsing of Telegram channels and chats with the possibility of flexible search query set...
249 countries covered
SemanticForce provides data collection from review sites (e.g., Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google Maps, Trustpilot, etc.). We track the full text...
249 countries covered