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Unlock our comprehensive backlinks database, featuring 1.7 trillion links and 170 million domains. With our unique architectural feature,...
1.7K trillion links
98% up to date data
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Discover Serpstat's Search Trends Data, a constantly updated dataset showcasing keywords experiencing recent search boosts. Track trends'...
1.42K Cities
100% Accuracy
240 countries covered
30 days of historical data
Discover Serpstat's comprehensive website ratings by industry, covering 1K+ industries across 229 countries. Gain insights into website i...
1K Categories available
100% Metrics refreshed when the dataset prepared
249 countries covered
30 days of historical data
Based on the desired keyword set, we can provide Search Engine results in any location e.g. country, state, city, postcode.
10M SERPs Daily
100% up to date SERP Data
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Gain real-time insights into related keywords, search intent, questions, and suggestions with Serpstat's Keyword API. Explore 7.2 billion...
7 billion keywords
100% Google validated
240 countries covered
12 months of historical data
Gain access to Serpstat's Website Data API, providing key SEO metrics, organic traffic estimation, and insights into top-performing indus...
2 billion keywords with SERPs
100% Actual SERPs based
240 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Access our dynamic Backlinks API, providing real-time insights into backlink profiles. Seamlessly integrated without separation between f...
1.7K trillion links
98% up to date
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Discover our vast keyword database: 7.2B keywords, 229 countries. Get insights on search volume, difficulty, CPC, competition, special el...
7.2B Keywords
100% Google verified
249 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Access accurate, real-time Local Pack data via our API - covering postcodes worldwide at an affordable price. Enhance decision-making wit...
300 thousand Google Map Results Daily
100% Real-time accuracy
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Unlock tailored datasets for your specific industry and location needs. We gather, structure, and deliver comprehensive keyword datasets ...
1M Local Pack results per industry
100% Real-time accuracy
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Access Serpstat's Google Keyword Data Scraping API for real-time insights into keyword metrics. Retrieve current local search volume, his...
10M Keyword updates Daily
100% up to date keyword data
249 countries covered
12 months of historical data
Unlock Serpstat's Clustered Industry Semantics Dataset for in-depth industry semantics and precise keyword mapping. Eliminate manual keyw...
25K clustered keywords per industry
100% Local SERPs based Clustering
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data