Contact Provider
Optimized for quick response
Our meticulously curated dataset includes information on businesses listed on Google Maps across all 50 states of the US. It provides you...
20M Businesses
90% Emails Verified
USA covered
Job details, salaries, locations, and job seeker profiles from Monster, Indeed, Glassdoor + 10 Job Boards and exporting them into structu...
10M Job Records
64 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Collect real-time public pricing data from:
- Car rental
- OTA's
- Travel sites
- Hotel websites
- Flight aggregators
Easily coll...
400K Daily Volumes
95% SLA Data Quality
64 countries covered
6 months of historical data
Unlock valuable insights with our comprehensive Amazon dataset, meticulously collected through advanced web automation techniques. Our we...
64 countries covered
Access a vast repository of insights with our meticulously curated Reddit dataset, obtained through advanced web scraping techniques. Our...
64 countries covered
Uncover insights with our comprehensive Ecommerce Company data sets, meticulously collected using advanced web automation techniques. We ...
64 countries covered
Tap into the power of our comprehensive eBay dataset, meticulously collected through advanced web automation. Our web-scraped dataset off...
1 Day Refresh Rate
95% match rate
64 countries covered
3 months of historical data
Our Software product reviews dataset is meticulously curated from reputable platforms like G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot, providing you wi...
250K records
99% coverage
53 countries covered
3 years of historical data
WebAutomation, your trusted source for comprehensive firmographic data. With access to 15 million + company records. Discover valuable de...
15M Company Records
90% match rate
115 countries covered
9 months of historical data
We offer a comprehensive collection of audio data, amounting to over 600 hours of high-quality recordings. Our audio datasets are meticul...
600 Hours of Recording
64 countries covered
Unlock the power of LinkedIn with our comprehensive dataset obtained through advanced web automation. Our Linkedin profiles dataset provi...
50M Employee Records
64 countries covered
Gain access to a powerful B2B Contact Database. Our comprehensive database provides global coverage, featuring contact details of over 10...
10M Decision Makers
90% Verified Emails
14 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Unlock valuable insights from the world of social media with our comprehensive Social Media Data solution. Through advanced web automatio...
11 countries covered
Explore our meticulously compiled dataset sourced from its Public website, with 1 million+ verified B2B software industry reviews....
1.1M records
95% coverage
64 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Unlock a wealth of developer insights with the GitHub Developer Profiles Dataset. This comprehensive dataset offers a window into the wor...
40M Developer Records
106 countries covered