Best Data for Alpha Generation

Alpha generation is an investment term referring to the competitive edge over others’ investment strategies. Using a mixture of traditional financial and alternative data investors and hedge funds can gain positive ROI’s above their competitors, thus generating alpha.
Our Data Partners
USA covered
10 years of historical data
Predictive scores for the entire REIT universe which can be used to build superior REIT portfolios. Over 10+ years of outperformance using these scores.
53 countries covered
2 years of historical data
Act Analytics Scores™ are inspired by the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. Users can select the data fields most meaningful for their investme...
3K + merchants
99% % high precision tagging, 600 tickers
USA covered
Envestnet®| Yodlee®'s Debit Card Panels (Aggregate/Row) consist of de-identified U.S. consumer credit/debit/ACH transaction level data, offering a wide view ...
249 countries covered
11 years of historical data
ESG ratings based on data from several 3rd party providers to with the aim of building more objective ratings and increasing coverage.
60K NGO signals
249 countries covered
10 years of historical data
SIGWATCH provides both raw and quantified corporate scores & NGO signals and sentiment analysis for alpha discovery, ESG investment and reputational management.
180M households
85% streams outside the US
249 countries covered
Real-time OTT / streaming media consumption data on over 180M global households with 85% of those HHs located outside of the US. This best-in-class dataset h... - Envestnet | Yodlee profile banner
Envestnet | Yodlee
Based in USA
Envestnet® | Yodlee® is a market leader in de-identified consumer spend/income data. We tag thousands of public and private companies to billions of transact...
15 m+
Active users
Since 2011
Latency - TVEyes profile banner
Based in USA
Global video and audio intelligence for data-driven decision makers
27 countries
35,000+ - Space Know profile banner
Space Know
Based in USA
We provide actionable intelligence by fusing satellite imagery data with advanced statistics, machine learning, and industry expertise. - Cryptoquote profile banner
Based in USA
Cryptoquote platform aggregates and processes real-time streaming L1/L2 price data and applies advanced analytics calculation engine to our database in order...
Cryptocurrency pairs
Historical Database
Level 1 & 2 - Cannon Valley Research profile banner
Cannon Valley Research
Based in USA
Cannon Valley Research provides comprehensive data on US listed Closed-End Funds, including pricing, metadata and holdings. - SIGWATCH profile banner
Based in United Kingdom
SIGWATCH tracks and analyses activist campaigns worldwide to help businesses and investors manage issue and activist risk.
NGOs monitored
Corporate entities tracked
Market/ESG issues tracked

Frequently Asked Questions about Alpha Generation

Learn everything about Alpha Generation. Understand data sources, popular use cases, and data quality.

What is alpha generation?

Alpha is the return of investment from quantitative investing. Generating alpha often refers to the act using data to gain a competitive edge over the other investors’ strategies.

What is the difference between alpha and beta for investing?

While alpha measures the return on investment in comparison to its benchmark, beta tells more about the volatility of the investment. Beta is simply an indication of its relative risk.