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4.3K Records
100% %
249 countries covered
Current conditions available for 8000 locations worldwide. Updated every 30-180, or as updated by the reporting station.
8.5K ICAO Stations
99% match rate
249 countries covered
Real-Time Weather Data for 8,500 ICAO locations and 4,000 WMO locations worldwide. The ICAO stations report current conditions every hour. The WMO stations...
85K records
100% %
236 countries covered
CustomWeather forecasts for 85,000+ global locations. Hourly and extended long-range forecasts available in any one of 95 languages.
249 countries covered
The Near Real-Time Global Estimate/Current Conditions Estimator Product:
This service combines the most recent land, sea and space observations with rapid...
249 countries covered
Global Satellite Imagery updated every hour for the entire globe. Global mosaic. This satellite data is transferred via xml, maps, or shapefiles. The resolut...
4.8K Global Ski Resorts
100% highest possible accuracy
248 countries covered
CustomWeather's Ski Resort Weather Forecasts for ski resorts around the world. Hour by hour, altitude-specific snow forecast information for any resort. Deta...
Based in USA
We provide industry-leading weather solutions to a wide range of industries that value quality, customer service, and data accuracy. As a leader in technolog...
of Industry Leadership