Best Data for Geofencing
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Recommended Data for Geofencing
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100 100
97% Match Rate
224 countries covered
Accurate Polygon Geofences specifically designed for the Trucking & Logistics industry.
706 Polygon Records
95% Match Rate
2 countries covered
Precise property polygon data for ferry terminals across US and Canada. Includes boundaries and geographical coordinates. Valuable for transportation plannin...
2.5K Zones
124 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Geojunxion Eco Alert Zones - low emission zones is a unique and dynamic global data set of zones / smart geofences with traffic entry restrictions set by aut...
6M POI (Point of Interest)
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered offers comprehensive POI and Polygon data, featuring 6 million locations across 11 industries. With global coverage and detailed geospatial data, g...
6.54K Polygon Records
95% Match Rate
2 countries covered
Precise polygon data for heliports across the US and Canada. Includes boundaries, center points, and coordinates. Valuable for aviation planning, emergency s...
249 countries covered
Leveraging 35+ years of experience in the market and publicly listed @EuroNext, ​we are experts in research, sourcing and enrichment of data ​from all kind o...
Based in USA is a sell-side omnichannel advertising platform powered by real-time mobile audiences. Our platform uses AI to deliver efficient and precise digital...
SDK Downloads
Active Apps
Based in USA
Factori is a flexible and adaptable data provider. We help you make smarter decisions and build better solutions based on real world location data.
Event per Day
Consumer Profiles
Brands Tracked
Based in Russia
WikiRoutes is a Public Transit Platform that provides data worldwide.
Database contains key information for ITS (Route and stops attribution, Transport ty...
cities covered
per month
Based in USA
Xverum provides clean, structured, and transformed datasets from the web.
Data Items Verified Monthly
Verified Profiles
Attributes Updated Daily
Kestrel Insights
Based in USA
At Kestrel Insights (KI) we supply and maintain a geofence data warehouse for our customers in the transportation and logistics industries. By providing acce...
Pre-Built Polygon Geofences
AGR Marketing
Based in USA
AGR has delivered “On-Target” consumer profiles by blending our wide data network with our innovative technologies. We provide consultative analytics & custo...
New Digital Intent Consumers
New movers
Cell phones