Best Data for Hedge Funds

Quantitative hedge funds heavily rely on data that correlates with stocks for their algorithmic trading strategies in order to generate alpha. Hedge funds that outperform the market usually use alternative datasets from satellites, cart transactions, web scraping, and many more.
Our Data Partners
100 tickers/week
100% accuracy
13 countries covered
High-quality web search volume and conversion infers revenue growth on 100+ tickers with strong online revenue exposure
3.3K Hedge Funds and CTAs
37 countries covered
11 years of historical data
EPFR now provides flow data into hedge funds; the history goes back to 2010. The data is available, the month after the following, on the first weekday afte...
57 countries covered
10 years of historical data
This is our Quant solution for Investment Professionals and Research. We provide alternative market indicators such as Equity Sentiment Indexes or Inflation ...
7.5K +, ETFs/ETPs
100% Bespoke Format
249 countries covered
RIMES ETF offering provides high-quality ETF fund level data directly from issuers from all over the world.
140K Share classes
58 countries covered
25 years of historical data
EPFR Fund Flows and Allocations data helps financial professionals understand where money is moving, how fund managers are investing that money, and what imp...
17.4M records
249 countries covered
80 months of historical data
Investors Data and Company Funding Data include worldwide business records with unique identifiers. It is recommended for investment intelligence, lead gener... - ExactOne profile banner
Based in UK
Data that gives your business an edge ExactOne enables you to analyse sales trends and performance drivers by named merchants and categories - using 600,0...
Daily Active Users
Merchants Categorised - Space Know profile banner
Space Know
Based in USA
We provide actionable intelligence by fusing satellite imagery data with advanced statistics, machine learning, and industry expertise.
Based in Canada
FinPricing provides highly accurate global financial market data from real time to historical via GUI and API. The data are collected from various sources, i...
>5 years
> 60 years
Curve tenors
Interest rate coverage - Goldbaum profile banner
Based in Luxembourg
Our API feeds packages of 100% accurate, system-ready, and up-to-date datasets and analytics (e.g. fund, market, index, ESG and smart) for ETFs/ETPs/ETCs and...
Increase in Data Productivity
min 10%
ROI - Pi Financial Services Intelligence profile banner
Pi Financial Services Intelligence
Based in Singapore
We provide a unique set of insurance company distribution channel benchmarks covering multiple Asian markets (China, HK, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thai... - Pynk profile banner
Based in UK is a wealth management fintech with over 70,000 users. Users predict asset prices on our gamified platform at These user-generat...
Global Users
Weekly Total Predictions
Countries Presence