Best Data for Market Share Analysis

Find the best data sources for Market Share Analysis. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
60K Stocks
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access stock price market data with 70K+ ISINs/stock quote, 150+ Equity Markets, delayed pricing data, and share market trading data. Get 20+ years of histor...
98% Accuracy
2 countries covered
4 years of historical data
With an independent bird's-eye view of both carrier and ISP marketplaces, ThinkCX produces real time telecom market share data in North America, broken out b...
20M public tenders
90% tenders
27 countries covered
Datlab provides Europe wide B2G public procurement data for all markets from Energetics, Building industry, Medical equipment to IT and telecommunications, N...
20M Companies
99% match records
249 countries covered
​​Introducing InfoTrie Stock Market Sentiment Data – deciphering market data across 100+ market indices. Access stock market data since 2013.
249 countries covered
6 years of historical data
"Accurate market data is crucial to a successful business strategy. We’re dedicated to delivering you the information you need" Cliff Sheridan, General Man...
76K + employers covered with detailed pricing data
100% UHC Coverage
USA covered
Access United Healthcare Transparency in Coverage data for 76,000 employers. Analyze costs across providers, plans, and employers. Includes in-network rates,... - Grips Intelligence profile banner
Grips Intelligence
Based in Germany
Grips Intelligence is one of the world's largest independent monitors of digital marketing and online sales. Our platform currently analyzes over $1 trillion... - Grepsr profile banner
Based in USA
From understanding customers' requirements to the final delivery, we take extra precautions to serve nothing but the most accurate and reliable data. Our dat...
Records per day
Web sources per day
Data accuracy - Datlab profile banner
Based in Czech Republic
We have over 10 years of experience in collecting, processing and analysing public procurement and other data from all over the world which lead to a coopera...
40+ mil.
Public tenders
5 trillion
of EUR spendings
10 year
History - Dataplex profile banner
Based in USA
Dataplex Consulting & Data Products offers top-notch, turnkey data products, making data easily accessible for any business. Our data pipelines feature autom...
50B+ Rows
Comprehensive Datasets
AI Enriched
From 2007+
Historical - 99finder profile banner
Based in Romania
Our AI-powered tool simplifies business research by quickly locating websites, retrieving contact details, and identifying key decision-makers. It enhances l...
Countries Covered
Data Accuracy
Support Availability - MealMe profile banner
Based in USA
MealMe delivers real-time product availability data from restaurants, grocery stores, and retail stores. Our proprietary technology empowers businesses with ...
Top 100 Coverage
Top 1000 Coverage
Top 100 Coverage