Best Data for Master Data Management (MDM)

Find the best data sources for Master Data Management (MDM). Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
24 M streets
95% match rate
84 countries covered
Global address data for address validation and logistics area mapping. Includes all administrative areas, cities, streets, and relevant zip codes.
USA covered
Online analytics platform, powered by Microsoft Power BI, that visually displays and highlights key BQ data for all public & private companies in BQ's covera...
24 M streets
95% match rate
84 countries covered
Global address data for address validation and logistics area mapping. Includes all administrative areas, cities, streets, and relevant zip codes.
USA covered
Over 6 million private companies operating in the U.S. with over 5000 data fields, including verified financials derived using IRS methodologies. Data includ... - Bright Query profile banner
Bright Query
Based in USA
BQ’s mission is to provide the most trusted, accurate and up-to-date information about U.S. companies. BQ tracks over 30 million public and private companies...
Data from govt filings
Public & private comapies
Private company financials - GeoPostcodes profile banner
Based in Belgium
GeoPostcodes provides the world's most comprehensive zip code data for Enterprise customers. Our database includes zip codes, cities, and administrative a...
8.6 M
Zip codes