Best Data for Real Estate Insights
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Recommended Data for Real Estate Insights
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100M Records From Multiple Websites & Countries
100% Accuracy
241 countries covered
- Real Estate Market Data -
Global coverage of Commercial and Residential Real Estate Data from Real Estate websites. Includes sell & rental data, prices,...
230M POIs worldwide
250 countries covered
Xverum’s Urban Planning Data covers 230M+ locations with commercial real estate, property listings & market insights. With continuous updates & POI discovery...
1M records
USA covered
Access 10M+ listings with historical prices, value estimates, and real estate market trends in the U.S.
USA covered
Comprehensive Real Estate dataset featuring property listings, prices, marketing status, and detailed attributes across various U.S. locations. Ideal for rea...
99% accuracy of extracted data
249 countries covered
Elevate your real estate game with PromptCloud's advanced data extraction services. Gain access to a comprehensive Real Estate Data set, providing crucial pr...
1 Up to 1.3 MM Real Estate Professionals
95% Email Deliverability
USA covered
McGRAW’s Real Estate Professionals Masterfile offers the most comprehensive real estate professional database in the U.S., including emails, phone numbers, L...
Based in USA
#Home by Vendigi provides data for all things home buyers, home sellers and home ownership. Discover a spectrum of data spanning the home ownership lifecycle...
Based in USA
Factori is a flexible and adaptable data provider. We help you make smarter decisions and build better solutions based on real world location data.
Event per Day
Consumer Profiles
Brands Tracked
Based in USA
PromptCloud, a global leader in web data extraction, delivers tailored data solutions to fuel your business. Our services include Custom Web Crawling, Hosted...
Start-ups to the Fortune 500s
Prompt support for clients
Custom data, as per needs
Based in USA
From understanding customers' requirements to the final delivery, we take extra precautions to serve nothing but the most accurate and reliable data. Our dat...
Records per day
Web sources per day
Data accuracy
Based in USA
TovoData weaves multiple, intelligent real estate, tax and mortgage data sources into a 360-degree view of property and homeowner insight
Environics Analytics
Based in Canada
At Environics Analytics, we have Canada’s largest collection of high-quality, actionable data, and our list of sources and resulting data products is growing...
Authoritative Databases