Best Data for Visit Attribution

Visit attribution provides context to an individual's mobility patterns, specifically to explain why they visit a certain location or POI. For example, their visit could be attributed to a digital ad.
Our Data Partners
136B Location Signals
52 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Utilize this European visit data to analyze footfall patterns and understand consumer behaviors for more informed business decisions.
6 countries covered
Building Footprint data is based on ‘polygon geofences’ that define the boundaries of buildings. It includes very detailed insights into the Building Type, N... - Echo Analytics profile banner
Echo Analytics
Based in France
We aim to become the most reliable source of Geospatial data so companies can build profitable strategies to enhance operational efficiency. At the core of o...
POIs worldwide
Brands & Companies
Branded POIs - PlaceSense profile banner
Based in Israel
PlaceSense is Europe’s leading provider of certified location and competitive intelligence data. Our privacy-compliant datasets deliver powerful insights int...
Certified Accuracy
Market Representativeness
3 years
Data history