Company Registry Data: Best Company Registry Datasets & Databases

What is company registry data? How can you utilize it? Discover the top sources for company registration databases and purchase valuable data on Explore the extensive database of registered businesses and access crucial information for market research, competitor analysis, and lead generation. Stay ahead of the competition with reliable business registration data from trusted providers.

What is Company Registry Data?

Company Registry Data refers to a collection of information about registered companies, typically maintained by government authorities. It includes details such as company name, registration number, address, directors, shareholders, and financial records. This data provides transparency and serves as a valuable resource for businesses, investors, researchers, and regulatory bodies to access accurate and up-to-date information about companies operating within a specific jurisdiction.
Examples of Company Registry Data include information such as company names, registration numbers, addresses, directors, shareholders, and financial statements. Company Registry Data is used for various purposes, including conducting due diligence, verifying the legal status of a company, researching business opportunities, and analyzing market trends. In this page, you’ll find the best data sources for company registry data, including the opencorporates search and various business registry databases.

Data Specialist Lucy
Lucy Kelly
Data Specialist

Best Company Registry Data Databases & Datasets

Here is Datarade's curated selection of top Company Registry Data. These trusted databases and datasets offer high-quality, up-to-date information.

Start icon5.0(1)
Starts at
€0.24 / record
Start icon5.0(1)
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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Starts at
$150 / purchase
Start icon4.9(2)
Available Pricing:
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10% Datarade discount
Start icon4.3(1)

Company ownership Data & Group Structures Database- Worldwide

Available for 249 countries
5 years of historical data
Starts at
$10,000 / year

InfoTrie | Company Data on B2B profiles | Dataset | Global data | 20 years look back | Human verified

Available for 249 countries
10M Companies
20 years of historical data
99% Verified Company Data
Pricing available upon request
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Malaysia B2B Company Data (powered by CTOS IDS)

Available for 7 countries
1.4M records
5 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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Start icon5.0(1)
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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Start icon5.0(3)

The Data Appeal | Store Location Data | Places Data | B2B Marketing Data | API, Dataset | 200 Million + POI Data Mapped | Coverage from 2019

Available for 249 countries
320 Billion Pieces of Online Content Analyzed Each Day
4 years of historical data
80% match rate
Pricing available upon request
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Starts at
$80 / 1000
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Company Registry Data plays a pivotal role in various business applications, offering valuable insights and opportunities across industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Company Registry Data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Company Registry Data products and samples. Popular Company Registry Data products and datasets available on our platform are Customizable Firmographic Data: A Comprehensive Database with 300 Million Company Registry Data from 150 Countries | Data Accuracy by Plugindata, HitHorizons | Company Registry Data | API | CSV | JSON | 80M+ Companies | 50 European Countries | Data Enrichment | GDPR-Compliant | Monthly Updated by HitHorizons, and CRIF: Company Registry Data / Business Information Report / KYB Data / Financial Data / Litigation Data / Insurance Data / Import Export - Philippines by CRIF Asia.

How can I get Company Registry Data?

You can get Company Registry Data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical Company Registry Data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time Company Registry Data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.

What are similar data types to Company Registry Data?

Company Registry Data is similar to Private Company Data, Company Funding Data, SIC Data, Regulatory Company Data, and Startup Data. These data categories are commonly used for Due Diligence and Company Analysis.

What are the most common use cases for Company Registry Data?

The top use cases for Company Registry Data are Due Diligence, Company Analysis, and Know Your Customer (KYC).