Best Competitor Pricing Datasets & Databases

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3 Results

Gain Dynamics / Web Scraping Data / Automotive Insurance / Mexico & LATAM / Pricing Monitoring, Competitor Analysis, Market Research / Daily Updates

These data allow our clients to monitorize the market in terms of pricing evolution per insurance company ... Gain Dynamics is expert in monitoring structured and unstructured data coming from different sources
Available for 1 countries
1 Day Refresh
5 years of historical data
Starts at
$2,500 / month
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Consumer Edge Vision Competitor Analysis Data | USA Transaction Data | 100M+ Credit & Debit Cards, 12K+ Merchants, 800+ Parent Companies, 600+ Tickers

Private investors and corporate clients use CE Vision to perform competitor analysis, track market share ... Review data by ticker in our Investor Relations module.
Available for 1 countries
100M Credit & Debit Cards
9 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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Consumer Edge Home & Garden Transaction Data | US Retail Sales Tickerized Data | 100M Credit & Debit Cards, 12K Merchants, 800 Companies, 600 Tickers

Review data by ticker in our Investor Relations module. ... Consumer Edge Home & Garde transaction data tracks consumer spend on credit and debit cards.
Available for 1 countries
100M Credit & Debit Cards
9 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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100M Credit & Debit Cards
USA covered
9 years of historical data
CE Vision USA is the premier merchant attributable data set tracking consumer spend on credit and debit cards. Private investors and corporate clients use CE...
100M Credit & Debit Cards
USA covered
9 years of historical data
Consumer Edge Home & Garde transaction data tracks consumer spend on credit and debit cards. Private investors and corporate clients use CE Vision to track m...
1 Day Refresh
Mexico covered
5 years of historical data
Through web scrapping and RPAs techniques we monitorize insurance prices in Mexico wich help BFSI companies to understand competitors positioning, define pri...
100M Credit & Debit Cards
USA covered
9 years of historical data
Consumer Edge Home & Garde transaction data tracks consumer spend on credit and debit cards. Private investors and corporate clients use CE Vision to track m...
100M Credit & Debit Cards
USA covered
9 years of historical data
CE Vision USA is the premier merchant attributable data set tracking consumer spend on credit and debit cards. Private investors and corporate clients use CE...
1 Day Refresh
Mexico covered
5 years of historical data
Through web scrapping and RPAs techniques we monitorize insurance prices in Mexico wich help BFSI companies to understand competitors positioning, define pri...
100M Credit & Debit Cards
USA covered
9 years of historical data
Consumer Edge Home & Garde transaction data tracks consumer spend on credit and debit cards. Private investors and corporate clients use CE Vision to track m...
1 Day Refresh
Mexico covered
5 years of historical data
Through web scrapping and RPAs techniques we monitorize insurance prices in Mexico wich help BFSI companies to understand competitors positioning, define pri...
100M Credit & Debit Cards
USA covered
9 years of historical data
CE Vision USA is the premier merchant attributable data set tracking consumer spend on credit and debit cards. Private investors and corporate clients use CE...