Best COVID-19 Datasets & Databases
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5 Results
Accern - COVID-19 Insights & Analytics for US companies (AI powered, NLP, web data)
The dataset measures company, sector, and regional exposures to COVID-19 as seen in digital media content ... This can be used to understand the market perception of a company’s exposure to COVID-19 and be used
Available for 1 countries
5 months of historical data
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
TAUS Language Translation Data | Parallel translation for Covid-19, Medical and Healthcare, various languages for Machine Learning
TAUS also generated corpora by applying Matching Data selection to DataCloud and ParaCrawl data. ... The selected data is related to virology, epidemic, medicine, and healthcare.
Available for 19 countries
123M Target words in total
1 years of historical data
100% words
Starts at
€5,000 / purchase
Diaceutics Repository of Diagnostic Testing Data
Longitudinal Data on 481 million patients covering all medical claims including testing, treatments and ... Physician Data
Find out which physicians are ordering your test and which labs they are ordering from
Available for 1 countries
481M Patients
4 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
Burbio - Event Data - US Community Activity Index - Reopening Measurement
measures the level of in-person community life occurring across all 3,000 US counties in the US post-COVID ... each county in the US is assigned a grade of zero to 100 on any given day, along with history since Covid
Available for 1 countries
1.5M Events Updated Daily
4 months of historical data
Starts at
$2,000$1,800 / month
10% Datarade discount
Burbio - US K-12 Back To School Re-Opening Plans - Virtual, In Person, Hybrid Learning
Burbio’s data set consists of more than 80,000 K-12 school calendars across all 50 states and is dynamically ... School districts in the data set are a mix of sizes and distributed nationally in such a way to represent
Available for 1 countries
35K US K-12 Schools
3 months of historical data
100% Percent US County Coverage
Starts at
$2,000$1,800 / month
10% Datarade discount
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295K records
98.9% Coverage
Switzerland covered
This is the Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for Switzerland as of September 2021 with 294,626 records. There are 3340 categories with the top 10: Restaurant...
194K records
98.9% Coverage
Romania covered
This is the Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for Hungary
as of November 2021 with 194,073 records. There are 2862 categories with the top 10: Restaurant, Su...
1.78M records
98.9% Coverage
France covered
This is the Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for France as of August 2022 with 1,781,847 records. There are 6622 categories with the top 10: Restaurant, Sch...
262K records
98.9% Coverage
Czech Republic covered
This is the Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for Czech Republic
as of November 2021 with 262,434 records. There are 2871 categories with the top 10: Restau...
1.28M records
98.9% Coverage
Spain covered
This is the Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for Spain as of August 2022 with 1,284,620 records. There are 4199 categories with the top 10: Restaurant, Bar,...
457K records
90% Coverage
Pakistan covered
This is a Point of Interest (POI) Dataset for Pakistan as of August 2022 containing 456,532 records. The data is categorized in 3284 categories with the top ...
35K US K-12 Schools
100% Percent US County Coverage
USA covered
K-12 School Reopening and Teaching Plans Across the Whole US to the County Level: Virtual, In-Person, or Hybrid. Provides critical insight into opening plans...
1.5M Events Updated Daily
USA covered
4 months of historical data
Hyper local community event data measuring government, library and non-profit activity in every community in the US.
USA covered
5 months of historical data
The dataset measures company, sector, and regional exposures to COVID-19 as seen in digital media content such as news & blogs. This can be used to understan...
481M Patients
USA covered
4 years of historical data
Longitudinal Data on 481 million patients covering all medical claims including testing, treatments and procedures. Data is labelled with disease, biomarker,...
123M Target words in total
100% words
19 countries covered
These corpora are the result of a collective industry charity effort where participants contributed their own translation memories covering this domain so th...
481M Patients
USA covered
4 years of historical data
Longitudinal Data on 481 million patients covering all medical claims including testing, treatments and procedures. Data is labelled with disease, biomarker,...
123M Target words in total
100% words
19 countries covered
These corpora are the result of a collective industry charity effort where participants contributed their own translation memories covering this domain so th...
1.5M Events Updated Daily
USA covered
4 months of historical data
Hyper local community event data measuring government, library and non-profit activity in every community in the US.
35K US K-12 Schools
100% Percent US County Coverage
USA covered
K-12 School Reopening and Teaching Plans Across the Whole US to the County Level: Virtual, In-Person, or Hybrid. Provides critical insight into opening plans...
USA covered
5 months of historical data
The dataset measures company, sector, and regional exposures to COVID-19 as seen in digital media content such as news & blogs. This can be used to understan...