Best e-waste datasets & Databases

What is e-waste data and how can it be utilized? Discover the top e-waste datasets and databases on, where you can find and purchase valuable data sources for analyzing and understanding electronic waste. From recycling rates to disposal methods, these datasets provide insights into the environmental impact of electronic devices. Explore the best data sources for e-waste data and gain valuable information to support sustainable practices and decision-making.Learn more
5 Results

RGS' Raw ESG Data | Companies Waste Data | Food Waste | 400+ Global Companies | 7 Years History | All Sectors | Tickerized

Datapoints in metric tonnes: Food Waste Food Waste recovered Any of the above data feeds are offered ... Data Source & Type: Company-reported Dataset Imputed Dataset Additional Data Offering: Intensity
Available for 240 countries
400 public companies
7 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
revenue share
Start icon4.8(1)

Biodiversity, Waste & Water Management Data | Worldwide Public Companies ESG data | Datacie ESG

by Datacie
biodiversity, waste, and water data from unstructured sources (websites, documents, media releases…) ... Note that all the waste and water data that have been reported in other units than per metric tons and
Available for 249 countries
7 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request

Energy, Water and Waste Data of Global Companies by Akadia

by Akadia
Energy use, water consumption and waste production and diversion data for 3000 companies and counting ... and waste recycled, reused or transformed by companies around the world.
Available for 140 countries
3K companies
5 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
revenue share

RGS' Raw ESG Data | Companies Waste Data | Operational Waste | 7k+ Global Companies | 7 Years History | All Sectors | Tickerized

Datapoints in metric tons: Waste Produced Hazardous Waste Produced Proportion of Waste Recycled ... Data Source & Type: Company-reported Dataset Imputed Dataset Additional Data Offering: Intensity
Available for 240 countries
7K public companies
7 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
revenue share

RGS' Raw ESG Data | Companies Waste Data | Plastic Waste, Plastic Packaging | 500+ Global Companies | 7 Years History | All Sectors | Tickerized

Data Source & Type: Company-reported Dataset Imputed Dataset Additional Data Offering: Intensity ... We provide access to the raw underlying data.
Available for 240 countries
500 public companies
7 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
revenue share

More e-waste data Products

Discover related e-waste data products.

5B Unique TTD IDs Globally / Month
231 countries covered
Reach gamers across the world. OAN provides gaming audience data. We specialize in depth categories of gaming industry and deliver unique categories in ou...
5B Unique Xandr IDs Globally / Month
231 countries covered
OAN provides audience data. We specialize in depth categories of gaming industry and deliver unique categories. But gaming data is just a part of all audienc...
10K Records
54 countries covered
12 months of historical data
Comprehend customer sentiment with our powerful AI tool, 42Signals. With our Voice of Customer Analytics feature, you can identify the most relevant topics d...
5B Unique Xandr IDs Globally / Month
231 countries covered
OAN provides audience data. We specialize in depth categories of gaming industry and deliver unique categories. But gaming data is just a part of all audienc...
140K Gas Stations
100% Coverage in main markets
49 countries covered
Datasets of all gas stations in Europe with attributes like brand, address, geo-coordinates, opening hours, offered fuel types, services and payment options.
5B Unique Xandr IDs Globally / Month
231 countries covered
OAN provides gaming audience data. We specialize in depth categories of gaming industry and deliver unique categories in out taxonomy such as: • demography ...
500 public companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
RIFT (Real Impact in Financial Terms) is the first ESG impact dataset built to quantify the holistic impact of large companies on the environment, society an...
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
A data answer to how do the world companies impact biodiversity change through their environmental policies, their waste management program, and their water ...
3K companies
140 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Energy use, water consumption and waste production and diversion data for 3000 companies and counting.
7K public companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
RIFT (Real Impact in Financial Terms) is the first ESG impact dataset built to quantify the holistic impact of large companies on the environment, society an...
400 public companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
RIFT (Real Impact in Financial Terms) is the first ESG impact dataset built to quantify the holistic impact of large companies on the environment, society an...
400 public companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
RIFT (Real Impact in Financial Terms) is the first ESG impact dataset built to quantify the holistic impact of large companies on the environment, society an...
7K public companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
RIFT (Real Impact in Financial Terms) is the first ESG impact dataset built to quantify the holistic impact of large companies on the environment, society an...
500 public companies
240 countries covered
7 years of historical data
RIFT (Real Impact in Financial Terms) is the first ESG impact dataset built to quantify the holistic impact of large companies on the environment, society an...
3K companies
140 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Energy use, water consumption and waste production and diversion data for 3000 companies and counting.
249 countries covered
7 years of historical data
A data answer to how do the world companies impact biodiversity change through their environmental policies, their waste management program, and their water ...

Where can I buy e-waste data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell e-waste data products and samples. Popular e-waste data products and datasets available on our platform are RGS’ Raw ESG Data | Companies Waste Data | Food Waste | 400+ Global Companies | 7 Years History | All Sectors | Tickerized by Richmond Global Sciences, Biodiversity, Waste & Water Management Data | Worldwide Public Companies ESG data | Datacie ESG by Datacie, and Energy, Water and Waste Data of Global Companies by Akadia by Akadia.

How can I get e-waste data?

You can get e-waste data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical e-waste data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time e-waste data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.