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2 Results
Corporate Waste Management Data | Waste Generation, Disposal & Recovery by Hazardousness | 4000+ Companies | By Tracenable, the Open ESG Data Platform
waste data do not align with standard waste reporting frameworks, our team of environmental engineers ... GreenTech & ClimateTech
Use waste data to power circular economy solutions, waste management software
Available for 250 countries
4K Companies Covered
4 years of historical data
100% Traceable
Starts at
$149 / month
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Energy, Water and Waste Data of Global Companies by Akadia
Energy use, water consumption and waste production and diversion data for 3000 companies and counting ... and waste recycled, reused or transformed by companies around the world.
Available for 140 countries
3K companies
5 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
revenue share
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