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CustomWeather API | Severe Weather Data | Global Severe Weather Advisories For 85,000 Weather Forecast Locations | Storm Data

CustomWeather’s Severe Weather Data features advisories based on forecasted severe weather events as ... Natural Disasters Data, News Data, Places Data, Precipitation Data, Rainfall Data, Severe Weather Data
Available for 249 countries
85K locations in the CustomWeather database
100% highest possible accuracy
Starts at
$50 / purchase
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Intelligent Event Data | Historical Severe Weather Data - Florida | Analyze Severe Weather Event Impact

PredictHQ’s weather data cuts through the noise by only surfacing high-impact events such as severe weather ... Free sample dataset of severe weather data, covering any dangerous meteorological phenomenon with potential
Available for 81 countries
3.2K records
12 months of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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Severe Weather Data | Weather Trigger | Custom Weather Alert for Europe | Extreme Frost, Rain, Snowfall, Hail, Storm, Wind

Understanding these impacts through severe weather data, weather forecast data, and real-time weather ... of severe weather events effectively.
Available for 2 countries
100% %
Available Pricing:
Monthly License
Yearly License
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CustomWeather | Flood Risk Data | 5-Day Ahead Flood Outlook PDFs | Map Data| Severe Weather Data | Weather Forecasts | Storm Data

and Severe Weather Data. ... Data, Rainfall Data, Surface Data, Storm Data, Risk Data, Weather Forecasts, Natural Disasters Data,
Available for 249 countries
Starts at
$400 / month

Weather Source: OnPoint Extreme Weather Forecast Service - Hurricanes, Wildfires and More

Extreme Weather Forecast Probabilities is part of our OnPoint Forecast data which is based on the National ... such as hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, severe convective weather, wildfires, floods and much more.
Available for 248 countries
Available Pricing:
Monthly License
Yearly License
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5% Datarade discount

24/7 Real-Time European Weather Data | Storm Warning Data | Severe Weather Warning data | Custom Weather Forecast Data |

Severe Weather Warning alerts on extreme weather events which may have an impact on operations and puts ...’s Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom
Available for 2 countries
100% %
Available Pricing:
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Weather Data AI - Customized daily global weather data

To order customized global daily weather data please visit Clean, reliable data ... We’ve spent millions of dollars over the last 25+ years working with global weather data space.
Available for 250 countries
85 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request

Accurate Weather Forecast API - Meteosource

Comprehensive hyperlocal weather data for any location or GPS coordinate. ... Weather data from Meteosource are based on cutting-edge machine learning models.
Available for 249 countries
20K API calls
20 years of historical data
Starts at
$0.01 / API call
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Rainfall Data | LIVE Daily Weather Feed and/or Historical Weather Data | Worldwide Coverage, Updated daily Feed

Data and Localized Human Weather Forecasts. ... We offer a LIVE Weather Data Feed that is updated daily.
Available for 249 countries
10K available locations
20 years of historical data
100% quality controlled data
Starts at
$100 / purchase
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FarmersEdge | Real-Time Weather Data | Station data for 1,000 locations in North America | Risk Management

Unlike the majority of weather data providers, our data is not derived from models, it is collected in ... FarmersEdge has one of the continents’ largest networks of installed and managed weather stations.
Available for 2 countries
Pricing available upon request

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100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
30K forecast locations
100% Quality Forecast Data
249 countries covered
AWIS Weather Services offers location specific Daily Forecast Variables including Temperature, Precipitation, Cloud Cover, Soil Temperature, Solar Radiation,...
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
249 countries covered
20 years of historical data
Tropical storm tracking and historical data for all ocean basins, includes basic and detailed information.
20K API calls
249 countries covered
20 years of historical data
Comprehensive hyperlocal weather data for any location or GPS coordinate. Updated in real-time based on the latest measurements. Minute-by-minute, hour-by-ho...
250 countries covered
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any place in the world – historical, current and forecast...
85K locations in the CustomWeather database
100% highest possible accuracy
249 countries covered
CustomWeather's Severe Weather Data features advisories based on forecasted severe weather events as projected by CustomWeather's proven global weather forec...
30K forecast locations
100% Quality Forecast Data
249 countries covered
AWIS Weather Services offers location specific Daily Forecast Variables including Temperature, Precipitation, Cloud Cover, Soil Temperature, Solar Radiation,...
248 countries covered
Weather Source OnPoint Risk Analytics provides climate & peril risk scores and probability of return by dynamically calculating the peril frequency rate and ...
248 countries covered
Extreme Weather Forecast Probabilities is part of our OnPoint Forecast data which is based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global...
249 countries covered
5-day ahead flood map data for any country or region. Maps updated daily and delivered in multiple formats. Risk broken into 5 categories - No Risk, Possib...
250 countries covered
85 years of historical data
To order customized global daily weather data please visit
250 countries covered
Weather data powered by Get easy access to highly accurate weather and climate data for any place in the world – historical, current and forecast...
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.
100% %
2 countries covered's Severe Weather Warnings alerts based on DWD and MeteoFrance official warnings adding custom intelligence for various industries.