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5 Results

CrawlBee | Dataset | Mid Term Rental Dataset | Rental Data | Real Estate Data

Utility: Analysts looking to understand better the growth and ebbs and flows of the mid-term rental ... Rental Rates & Terms: Detailed pricing data, including any deposits or fees, is available.
Available for 1 countries
1M records
1 days of historical data
98% Accuracy
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
revenue share

Grepsr| Car Rental Datasets from Car Rental Sites and Aggregators | Global Coverage with Custom and On-demand Datasets

by Grepsr
Car Rental data consists of daily updates on the availability and prices of different models of cars ... Rental businesses are thriving and are in high demand across industries for a variety of applications
Available for 249 countries
1 years of historical data
99% Match Rate
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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10% Datarade discount
revenue share

CrawlBee | Data | Airbnb Listings | Airbnb Occupancy Rate | Active Listings | Travel & Tourism Daily Rate

Explore our Airbnb data, featuring global listings count, average and median occupancy, daily rates, ... market valuation trends, fostering data-driven insights that can inform broader market studies.
Available for 249 countries
80M records
1 days of historical data
95% match rate
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
revenue share

Airbnb data for research purpose

These are some of the data sets we’ve offered to our previous researcher clients. ... 2021 June Time granularity: Monthly Location granularity: Individual listing Guest Origin data
Available for 249 countries
10 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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Airbnb data | 2021 Occupancy, Daily rate, active listings | Per country, city, zipcode

This short-term rental dataset is grouped in a monthly granularity. What makes your data unique? ... Short-term rental investor: Identify profitable areas. Do you cover country X or city Y?
Available for 249 countries
12 months of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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Discover related short-term rental data products.

99% Match Rate
249 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Rental businesses are thriving and are in high demand across industries for a variety of applications. The car rental industry has a global market share of $...
249 countries covered
10 years of historical data
These are some of the data sets we've offered to our previous researcher clients. You can find our reviews from -
249 countries covered
12 months of historical data
Active Airbnb listings count, average occupancy, average daily rate, median occupancy, median daily rate from 1/1/21-31/12/21. The dataset is available globa...
80M records
95% match rate
249 countries covered
Explore our Airbnb data, featuring global listings count, average and median occupancy, daily rates, and many more attributes, segmented monthly for precise ...
249 countries covered
10 years of historical data
These are some of the data sets we've offered to our previous researcher clients. You can find our reviews from -
249 countries covered
12 months of historical data
Active Airbnb listings count, average occupancy, average daily rate, median occupancy, median daily rate from 1/1/21-31/12/21. The dataset is available globa...
99% Match Rate
249 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Rental businesses are thriving and are in high demand across industries for a variety of applications. The car rental industry has a global market share of $...
1M records
98% Accuracy
USA covered
CrawlBee's dataset provides detailed listings of furnished rentals. This site is popular with travelers and professionals such as travel ...
1M records
98% Accuracy
USA covered
CrawlBee's dataset provides detailed listings of furnished rentals. This site is popular with travelers and professionals such as travel ...
80M records
95% match rate
249 countries covered
Explore our Airbnb data, featuring global listings count, average and median occupancy, daily rates, and many more attributes, segmented monthly for precise ...
99% Match Rate
249 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Rental businesses are thriving and are in high demand across industries for a variety of applications. The car rental industry has a global market share of $...
249 countries covered
12 months of historical data
Active Airbnb listings count, average occupancy, average daily rate, median occupancy, median daily rate from 1/1/21-31/12/21. The dataset is available globa...
249 countries covered
10 years of historical data
These are some of the data sets we've offered to our previous researcher clients. You can find our reviews from -