Best Stock Fundamental Datasets & Databases
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34 Results
Stock Fundamental Data - 60+ Equity Market Data, 20+ Years History Globally, Proprietary Market & Insider Trading Data
Access Global Stock Fundamental Data with 140+ attributes and 60+ equity markets for profiles and financial ... Empower smarter investment decisions with comprehensive stock fundamental data solutions.
Available for 250 countries
60K companies
20 years of historical data
99% Accuracy
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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Global Corporate Actions Stock Data | Stock Reference Data | Dividends and Splits | 80K stocks
Gain access to the reference stock data and stocks corporate actions:
Descriptive stocks parameters ... Dividends and splits
Tickers and codes
Global Shares Data
Reference data on more than 80K stocks
Available for 250 countries
10 years of historical data
Starts at
$350$315 / month
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10% Datarade discount
15% revenue share
Financial Statements Fundamental Data API
Fundamental Data JSON API
Unlimited Access
Economic Calendar
Stock News
Company Details
Statements ( ... Financial Calendars
Catch everything happing in the world economy with, Economic & IPO calendar, Stock
Available for 6 countries
5 Exchanges
10 years of historical data
Starts at
$199 / month
Stock Market Data Africa ( End of Day Pricing dataset )
Techsalerator covers stock market and pricing data across Africa. ... These prices are crucial pieces of market data used by investors, traders, and financial institutions
Available for 58 countries
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
Fundamental data for international equities by Twelve Data
Twelve Data
Options Expiration
Options Chain
Key Executives
Institutional Holders
Fund Holders
Twelve Data ... At Twelve Data we feel responsible for where the markets are going and how people are able to explore
Available for 249 countries
5 years of historical data
99.95% SLA
Starts at
$29 / month
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TagX - Stock market data | End of Day Pricing Data | Shares, Equities & bonds | Global Coverage | 10 years historical data
Key Features of TagX Stock Market Data:
*Custom Dataset Requests: Customize your data feed to focus ... TagX is committed to precision and reliability in stock market data.
Available for 240 countries
50K companies
10 years of historical data
95% match rate
Starts at
$499$449.10 / month
10% Datarade discount
FirstRate Data - US Fundamental Data (Historical Financial Data for 30 Years Quarterly Financials for 5500 Tickers)
Data from Dec 1989 to Dec 2020. ... This dataset contains 30 years of quarterly historical financial data for over 5500 US-listed companies
Available for 1 countries
5.5K tickers
30 years of historical data
Starts at
$299.95 / purchase
QUICK Stock Regulatory Information File
-Delivery Method: QUICK Data Files
-Coverage: Japan
-Historical Data: From Dec 2014 ... Stock Regulatory Information File contains information the market participants should pay attention to
Available for 1 countries
6 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
Monthly License
US Equities Packages - Stock Prices & Fundamentals
Power your platform with equity pricing data, fundamental data, and SEC data in easy-to-understand packages ... , standardized financial statement data, and supplementary fundamental datasets.
Available for 1 countries
Starts at
$250 / month
Stock Market Index API by Finnworlds
stock market index data. ... Stock Market Index API by Finnworlds is a data delivery method that allows you to get instantly stock
Available for 16 countries
20 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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More Stock Fundamental Data Products
Discover related stock fundamental data products.
99.95% SLA
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
- Logo
- Profile
- Dividends
- Splits
- IPO Calendar
- Statistics
- Income Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow
- Insider Transactions
- Options ...
60K companies
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access Global Stock Fundamental Data with 140+ attributes and 60+ equity markets for profiles and financial statements. Bespoke categories include proprietar...
12K Merchants
USA covered
9 years of historical data
CE Transact is the premier alternative data set for consumer spend on credit and debit cards, available as an aggregated feed. Hedge fund investors trust CE ...
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Gain access to the reference stock data and stocks corporate actions:
- Descriptive stocks parameters
- Dividends and splits
- Tickers and codes
99.95% SLA
249 countries covered
30 years of historical data
- Comprehensive data coverage: international stocks, ETFs, indices.
- Real-time & historical data.
- Lots of APIs endpoints.
- 170ms delay via WebSocket.
240 countries covered
Barchart offers proprietary fundamental equity data, along with content sourced from third-parties such as Morningstar and Zacks Investment Research.
53 countries covered
A predictive analytics equity rating score for stock fundamentals based on Machine Learning with possible values from 1 to 10 (from worst to best)
200 Data Points
140 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Detailed ESG and core fundamentals data standardized across a common template comprising about 200 data points.
52 countries covered
Integration different sources of financial data, news, account data, dividend data or corporate events is complex. At Ziggma we can leverage our experience f...
230M companies
99% Registered companies
240 countries covered
'Custommade statistical data within 150+ countries! Perform market research, update your database in real-time or build new apps: put our ever-growing databa...
5 Exchanges
6 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Fundamental Data JSON API
Unlimited Access
Economic Calendar
Stock News
Company Details
Statements (Cash flow, balance sheet, etc.)
Most gainer, most...
12K Merchants
USA covered
9 years of historical data
CE Transact is the premier alternative data set for consumer spend on credit and debit cards, available as an aggregated feed. Hedge fund investors trust CE ...
50K companies
95% match rate
240 countries covered
Accelerate your market strategies with real-time data feeds from TagX. Power your software, trading algorithms, or risk management systems with reliable data...
108K companies
198 countries covered
Explore our extensive data service encompassing 108,000 publicly listed companies globally. This offering includes daily updates, detailed company fundamenta...
58 countries covered
Techsalerator covers stock market and pricing data across Africa.
End-of-day prices refer to the closing prices of various financial instruments, such as ...
13 countries covered
Techsalerator covers stock market and pricing data across North America.
End-of-day prices refer to the closing prices of various financial instruments, s...
42 countries covered
Techsalerator covers stock market and pricing data across Latam/Latin America .
End-of-day prices refer to the closing prices of various financial instrum...