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4 Results

Transport and Logistics Data | Transportation, Trucking & Railroad Industry Leaders Globally | Verified Global Profiles from 700M+ Dataset

Access Transport and Logistics data for transportation, trucking, and railroad professionals worldwide ...’s Transport and Logistics Data for Transportation, Trucking & Railroad Industry Leaders Globally
Available for 250 countries
700M LinkedIn Professional Profiles
99% Accuracy
Starts at
$0.05$0.05 / 100 leads
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50% revenue share

PREDIK Data-Driven Trucking Data, Location Data & Commercial Vehicle Data: Custom Datasets for Truck Trips & Stops (Available for USA)

Our solutions for trucking data, location data, commercial data, and traffic data adapt according to ... Our trucking dataset uses a distinct method of gathering location data and commercial vehicle data to
Available for 1 countries
1M records
4 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
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Monthly License
Yearly License

Above Data | Industrial Transaction & Lending Data (Agriculture, Construction, Trucking)

This data is parsed from over 20 years of UCC-1 financing statements. ... The data includes over 8k brands and maps to 250 public companies.
Available for 1 countries
1.5M transactions
12 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request

Driver Technologies | Truck Object Detection Video Data | North America and UK | Real-time and historical traffic information

What Makes Our Data Unique? ... Our Truck Object Detection Video Data is built from millions of miles of driving data captured by our
Available for 4 countries
50 Million Miles of Video Data
5 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
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1M records
USA covered
4 years of historical data
Our trucking dataset uses a distinct method of gathering location data and commercial vehicle data to offer you an in-depth perspective on truck stops and tr...
1.5M transactions
USA covered
12 years of historical data
The industry standard to track financing and purchase activity related to construction, trucking, machine tooling and large office equipment. This data is pa...
50 Million Miles of Video Data
4 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized vision data set of trucks captured using the Driver dash cam app. Enhance urban planning or train an object detection model, and gain...
700M LinkedIn Professional Profiles
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access Transport and Logistics data for transportation, trucking, and railroad professionals worldwide with Gain verified profiles from 700M+ dat...
700M LinkedIn Professional Profiles
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
Access Transport and Logistics data for transportation, trucking, and railroad professionals worldwide with Gain verified profiles from 700M+ dat...
50 Million Miles of Video Data
4 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Leverage our anonymized vision data set of trucks captured using the Driver dash cam app. Enhance urban planning or train an object detection model, and gain...
1M records
USA covered
4 years of historical data
Our trucking dataset uses a distinct method of gathering location data and commercial vehicle data to offer you an in-depth perspective on truck stops and tr...
1.5M transactions
USA covered
12 years of historical data
The industry standard to track financing and purchase activity related to construction, trucking, machine tooling and large office equipment. This data is pa...