Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT product image in hero

Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT

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Open for Business B2B features firmographics and highly desirable audiences in the US and Canada. These include new businesses, transactions, intent, and exclusive custom segments. Our small business owners are 51% more accurate compared to other leading data providers according to Truthset.
Reach your prospects across channels for direct mail, email, phone, digital, mobile, social, CTV. Most popular audiences: IT, Stock Brokers, Financial, Healthcare, Agriculture, Construction, New Businesses, Small Businesses, Decision Makers, Professionals for direct mail, email, phone, digital, mobile, social, CTV. Most popular audiences: IT, Stock Brokers, Financial, Healthcare, Agriculture, Construction, New Businesses, Small Businesses, Decision Makers, Professionals Find Your Ideal B2B Audience with LBDigital's Open For Business Are you looking to target businesses and business professionals in your next marketing campaign? Whether you're looking to reach your audience via direct mail, email, digital, social, or CTV advertising, LBDigital provides the B2B marketing data you need to seal those all-important business deals! Company Size Industry New Businesses Sales Volume Company Stats Select from 500+ segments available for targeting across channels or build your own custom audience using our firmographic filters: Start your B2B Campaign Today with Open for Business! Healthcare Professionals Decision Makers Business Owners Job Role C-Level Directors Management Administrative Job Level Information Technology Stock Brokers Work From Home Essential Workers


North America (2)
United States of America


1 years of historical data


LBDigital has not published pricing information for this product yet. You can request detailed pricing information below.

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business

Use Cases

B2B Marketing
Audience Targeting Customer Acquisition B2B Data Enrichment
Cross Device Identity Management


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Frequently asked questions

What is Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT?

Open for Business B2B features firmographics and highly desirable audiences in the US and Canada. These include new businesses, transactions, intent, and exclusive custom segments. Our small business owners are 51% more accurate compared to other leading data providers according to Truthset.

What is Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. LBDigital recommends using the data for B2B Marketing, Audience Targeting, Customer Acquisition, B2B Data Enrichment, and Cross Device Identity Management. Global businesses and organizations buy Firmographic Data from LBDigital to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Firmographic Data. Get in touch with LBDigital to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT go?

This Tabular Data has 1 years of historical coverage.

Which countries does Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT cover?

This product includes data covering 2 countries like USA and Canada. LBDigital is headquartered in United States of America.

How much does Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT cost?

Pricing information for Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT is available by getting in contact with LBDigital. Connect with LBDigital to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

What is the data quality of Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT?

You can compare and assess the data quality of LBDigital using Datarade’s data marketplace. LBDigital appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including Truthset Verified Data Providers - Q3 2021.

What are similar products to Open for Business B2B USA & Canada - 50MM US Contacts, 30MM US Businesses, Decision Makers, Small Business Owners, IT?

This Tabular Data has 3 related products. These alternatives include Alesco Business Owners B2B Database - 4.7M+ business owner contacts - US based companies, available for licensing!, Phone Number Data Decision Makers Contact Numbers Direct Phone Numbers Business Phone Numbers 300M+ Contacts 100% Accurate Data , and - Small Business Contact Data Refreshed 2x/Mo LinkedIn Profile Data Delivery Hourly via CSV/JSON/PostgreSQL. You can compare the best Firmographic Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request


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