PredSearch | Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data | Consumer Stocks Signal | Global coverage | 100+ Tickers product image in hero

PredSearch | Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data | Consumer Stocks Signal | Global coverage | 100+ Tickers

No reviews yetBadge iconVerified Data Provider
Year 2024
Search volume (+/-)
Click & Conversion share
Investment decision
1 xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx
2 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
3 xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx
4 Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
5 Xxxxx Xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
6 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
7 xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
8 Xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Xxxxx
9 xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxx
10 Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
... xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
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Data Quality
Avail. Format

Data Dictionary

[Sample] Sample_AlternativeData_v2.csv
Attribute Type Example Mapping
String Adidas (ETR: ADS) Stock Ticker
Year 2024
String CW1
Search volume (+/-)
String 3%
Click & Conversion share
Float 0.021
Investment decision
String HOLD


High-quality web search volume and conversion infers revenue growth on 100+ tickers with strong online revenue exposure
PredSearch web search data support use-cases in industries like: Alternative Data for Hedge Funds and Investment Managers: - Identification of high increase or decrease in search volume and conversion share on 100+ tickers with high exposure to revenues generated online - Recommendation to BUY-HOLD-SELL on 100+tickers based on search and conversion share data. Examples of the 100+ tickers per category include: 1. Clothing & Shoes: Adidas, Crocs, Puma, Skechers, Under Armour 2. Consumer Electronics: Apple, Sony, Xiaomi, Panasonic, Samsung, HP, Hisense 3. Video Games: Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Tencent, Nintendo, Take-Two Interactive 4. Cosmetics & Body Care: Beiersdorf, L'Oréal, Estee Lauder, Shiseido 5. Others: Stanley Black & Decker, Makita, Samsonite Uniqueness of PredSearch data: * 100% accuracy * Very high granularity * Can be delivered 48hrs after the occurrence * 2-years of historic coverage * We are expanding data sources and markets for higher accuracy Sourcing technology is a combination of: 1. Webscrapping 2. APIs 3. Crowdsourced data All integrated in a master investment decision table

Country Coverage

Asia (2)
Europe (7)
United Kingdom
North America (3)
United States of America
Oceania (1)


2 years of historical data


100 tickers/week


Free sample available
License Starts at
One-off purchase Available
Monthly License Available
Yearly License Available
Usage-based Available

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


Self-reported by the provider


S3 Bucket

Use Cases

Hedge Funds
Stock Market Predictions
Stock Selection Investment Management
Alternative Investment


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Frequently asked questions

What is PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers?

High-quality web search volume and conversion infers revenue growth on 100+ tickers with strong online revenue exposure

What is PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. Predsearch recommends using the data for Hedge Funds, Stock Market Predictions, Stock Selection, Investment Management, and Alternative Investment. Global businesses and organizations buy Alternative Data from Predsearch to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for Alternative Data. Get in touch with Predsearch to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers go?

This product has 2 years of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Which countries does PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers cover?

This product includes data covering 13 countries like USA, Japan, Germany, UK, and France. Predsearch is headquartered in Cyprus.

How much does PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers cost?

Pricing information for PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers is available by getting in contact with Predsearch. Connect with Predsearch to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers?

Businesses can buy Alternative Data from Predsearch and get the data via S3 Bucket and SFTP. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, Predsearch can deliver this product in .csv format.

What is the data quality of PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers?

Predsearch has reported that this product has the following quality and accuracy assurances: 100% accuracy. You can compare and assess the data quality of Predsearch using Datarade’s data marketplace.

What are similar products to PredSearch Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data Consumer Stocks Signal Global coverage 100+ Tickers?

This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include Transact Consumer Financial Data for Hedge Fund Investors USA Data 100M+ Cards, 12K+ Merchants, 800+ Parent Companies, 600+ Tickers, Venture Capital Data Global Job Postings Data Discover New Startups 206M+ Records Since 2018, and PredSearch Web Search Data, Keyword Data, Online Search Trends Data Amazon, Google, TikTok - 2 years history Global coverage +500k/w keywords. You can compare the best Alternative Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request
License Starts at
One-off purchase Available
Monthly License Available
Yearly License Available
Usage-based Available


Superspeed your growth with our weekly search term ranks from leading websites

Verified provider icon Verified Provider
6h Avg. response time
100% Response rate

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