Best Stock Market Databases for Comprehensive Financial Analysis
Stock market databases are comprehensive collections of structured data that provide information on various financial instruments traded in stock markets. These databases contain historical and real-time data on stock prices, trading volumes, market indices, company financials, and other relevant market indicators. They are essential for financial analysts, traders, and investors to analyze market trends, make informed investment decisions, and develop trading strategies. Stock market databases are constantly updated and offer a wide range of data points that can be used for quantitative analysis, backtesting models, and conducting research on the performance of individual stocks or entire markets.
Recommended Stock Market Databases
1-10 of 100 product results for "stock market databases"
Stock Market Data Africa ( End of Day Pricing dataset )
These prices are crucial pieces of market data used by investors, traders, and financial institutions ... End-of-day prices refer to the closing prices of various financial instruments, such as equities (stocks
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Dappier | Financial & Real-Time Stock Market Data | RAG API, LLM Compatible | Market & Exchange Search
----- Use cases of Real-Time Financial & Stock Market Data ------
Use Real-Time Market & Crypto ... Stock Prices
• Get the latest stock quotes from global exchanges such as NASDAQ and NYSE.
1M financial data points daily
100% Real time and Up-to-Date coverage
Starts at
$0.75$0.68 / 100 queries
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10% Datarade discount
InfoTrie Stock Price Market Data - Stock fundamentals, historical coverage globally
Historical Depth: Immerse in historical stock market data and stock fundamentals.
3. ... Leverage our Stock Price Market Data to make data-driven decisions & unleash the power of stock fundamentals
2M Companies
15 years of historical data
99% match rate
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
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Global Stock Market Data | Equity Market Data | 80K stocks | 150 pricing sources | Intraday Data
Global Stock Market Data.
More than 150 pricing sources, including biggest world stock exchanges. ... Reliable sources: stock exchanges and market participants.
150 pricing sources
20 years of historical data
Starts at
$350$315 / month
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10% Datarade discount
15% revenue share
TagX - Stock market data | End of Day Pricing Data | Shares, Equities & bonds | Global Coverage | 10 years historical data
TagX is your trusted partner for stock market and financial data solutions. ... TagX is committed to precision and reliability in stock market data.
50K companies
10 years of historical data
95% match rate
Starts at
$499$449.10 / month
10% Datarade discount
Related searches
PredSearch | Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data | Consumer Stocks Signal | Global coverage | 100+ Tickers
sources and markets for higher accuracy
Sourcing technology is a combination of:
1. ... PredSearch web search data support use-cases in industries like:
Alternative Data for Hedge Funds
100 tickers/week
2 years of historical data
100% accuracy
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Monthly License
Yearly License
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Africa & Middle East | Insider Trading Data | 25+ Years Historic Data | Stock Market Data | Public Equity Market Data for Investment Management
Tags: Stock Market Data, Equity Market Data, Insider Transactions Data, Insider Trading Intelligence, ... Trading Data, Investment Management, Alternative Investment, Asset Management, Equity Research, Market
55K Companies Globally
25 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
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Monthly License
Yearly License
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Woodseer Forecast Dividend Data - Dividend Data, Alternative Data, Derivatives Data, Equity Market Data, Stock Market Data and Equities & ADRs
This dataset enriches your access to comprehensive dividend data, equity market data, derivatives data ... (Applies to searches for dividend data, equity market data, derivatives data, trading data, alternative
25K Securities
8 years of historical data
80% Amount forecast exact or within 10%
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
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Anachart | Stock Market Sentiment Data | Over 1M stock recommendations on NASDAQ & NYSE Over the last 20 years | Historical & Real-time Sourced
into the market sentiment tied to individual stocks, analysts, and firms. ... AnaChart has compiled one of the largest datasets of stock price targets and ratings for the U.S. markets
750K records
20 years of historical data
99.9% Quality Assurance
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
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End of Day Stock Market Data - Barchart
Get to market faster with real-time data feeds available through Barchart. ... We make it easy to power your software, trading strategies, or risk management system with data you can
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