Best Data for Stock Picking
Stock picking refers to the activity where systematic analytics are used to identify particular stocks that are considered good investments. Analysts and investors use often a combination of market, company, and alternative data sources to identify stocks with the best returns.
Recommended Data for Stock Picking
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Daily/Monthly Total Dollar Flow-sum of monthly stock allocations and monthly/daily fund flows. Average Allocation-Equal/Fund-weighted average percentage allo...
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Techsalerator covers stock market and pricing data across Africa.
End-of-day prices refer to the closing prices of various financial instruments, such as ...
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​​Introducing InfoTrie Stock Market Sentiment Data – deciphering market data across 100+ market indices. Access stock market data since 2013.
1K stocks covered
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Brain Machine Learning Stock Rankings are generated daily and based on the predicted future returns of a dynamic universe of the largest 600 European stocks ...
Based in USA
From understanding customers' requirements to the final delivery, we take extra precautions to serve nothing but the most accurate and reliable data. Our dat...
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Based in Singapore
InfoTrie: Global Data Intelligence Leader since 2012. Unleash insights from unstructured data. Alternative datasets on E-commerce, SEC Filings, B2B Data, Se...
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EPFR Global
Based in USA
EPFR’s Flows and Allocations data provides a unique view on investor and fund manager sentiment across global markets, helping buy and sell-side institutions...
Data sourced direct from
Tracked AUM
Exchange Data International
Based in United Kingdom
With EDI you get high quality, affordable financial data customized to precisely fit your operational requirements.
Brain Company
Based in Italy
BRAIN is a Research Company that creates proprietary datasets and algorithms for investment strategies, combining experience on financial markets with strong...
NLP Platform
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Finnworlds is a data provider offering Stock Market Data, Company Registry Data, Financial Data, Company Data, and 17 others. They are headquartered in Bulga...