Best Data for Portfolio Analysis
Data-driven portfolio analysis refers to the statistical study about the structure and likely outcomes for a combination of grouped assets. Analysts use often a mix of financial market and alternative data to benchmark their portfolio’s performance against the market potential.
Recommended Data for Portfolio Analysis
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80K Bonds
99% Data Accuracy
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Bond Data covering 3,300+ global issuers and 80,000+ bonds. Offers proprietary insights into credit quality (CDS-driven) and bond fair value (OAS-driven), en...
51 countries covered
Power your investment decisions, research projects, or business analytics with FIDA's detailed Portfolio Inventories & fund detailed investments, providing u...
80K Bonds
99% Data Accuracy
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Quantitative Model Data covering 3,300+ global issuers and 80,000+ bonds. Offers proprietary insights into credit quality (CDS-driven) and bond fair value (O...
240 countries covered
1 years of historical data
Sustainability ESG Risk scores delivered via API. Coverage extends for 30k companies, 400 governments, 220k funds and portfolios. ESG risk tree with more tha...
80K Bonds
99% Data Accuracy
250 countries covered
Quantitative Model Data covering 3,300+ global issuers and 80,000+ bonds. Offers proprietary insights into credit quality (CDS-driven) and bond fair value (O...
80K Bonds
99% Data Accuracy
250 countries covered
Company Financial Data covering 3,300+ global issuers and 80,000+ bonds. Offers proprietary insights into credit quality (CDS-driven) and bond fair value (OA...
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Accutrend Data Corporation provides insights into the ever-changing world of business information.
Hundreds of fields of information are available to provi...
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FinPricing provides highly accurate global financial market data from real time to historical via GUI and API. The data are collected from various sources, i...
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Inrate, a Sustainability Data & ESG Ratings company, helps financial institutions view sustainable finance through an impact lens. We offer high-quality, gra...
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Clarity AI
Based in USA
Clarity AI is the first sustainability and impact tech platform and a highly innovative company offering end-to-end solutions to optimize the sustainability ...
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InfoTrie: Global Data Intelligence Leader since 2012. Unleash insights from unstructured data. Alternative datasets on E-commerce, SEC Filings, B2B Data, Se...
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Exchange Data International
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Frequently Asked Questions about Portfolio Analysis
Learn everything about Portfolio Analysis. Understand data sources, popular use cases, and data quality.
What is portfolio analysis?
Portfolio analysis means the activity which measures the structure and monetary output for a given set of financial assets.
Why is portfolio analysis important?
The use of market data portfolio analysis is important as it helps predict the assets’ future financial performance. The action sets the stage for portfolio optimization where high potential stocks, bonds, and other assets are bought to produce the maximum ROI for a given level of risk.