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180byTwo’s Unifi Activation Platform enables B2B and Account-Based Marketers to seamlessly onboard, execute, and measure marketing progra...
400M Companies Mapped
40% Match Rate
USA covered
2 years of historical data
Business Intent data aggregated by topic and company location. Derived from a network of high quality B2B publishers and data aggregators...
6K B2B Topics
70% confidence level required to assign company location & topics
USA covered
18 months of historical data
The industry's most comprehensive B2B data offering covering 55M+ companies/locations, and 110M contacts with more than 12K attributes fr...
110 million contacts
USA covered
The industry’s only location based ABM onboarding, measurement and activation solution covering more than 20 million business locations.
20 million businesses mapped
70% match rates against CRM account data with a 10X improvement on results
USA covered