Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies) product image in hero

Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies)

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Velocity Score
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B2B Topics
Data Quality
confidence level required to assign company location & topics
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Data Dictionary

Product Attributes
Attribute Type Example Mapping
Security, Marketing Automation, Privacy Solutions
Velocity Score
0 - 100
String HP in Palo Alto ZIP Code


Business Intent data aggregated by topic and company location. Derived from a network of high quality B2B publishers and data aggregators. Covers 6,000+ topics and 21M+ companies.
Powered by more than 50 billion 2nd party content consumption signals, along with 180byTwo’s proprietary corporate places database, and AI; eCHO is the industry's first predictive B2B Intent solution designed specifically to solve B2B marketers biggest challenges. With eCHO, marketers are able to leverage the most comprehensive set of predictive B2B intent signals covering more than 6,000+ granular industry topics at 21M+ company locations. Whether your marketing objective is to identify the right accounts to create an accurate profile of your ideal customer, or to target key customer or prospect accounts across activation channels, eCHO is designed to help optimize your B2B and ABM programs!

Country Coverage

North America (1)
United States of America


18 months of historical data


21 Million Companies
6,000 B2B Topics


Free sample available
License Starts at
One-off purchase Available
Monthly License Available
Yearly License Available
Usage-based Available

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


Self-reported by the provider
confidence level required to assign company location & topics


S3 Bucket

Use Cases


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Frequently asked questions

What is Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies)?

Business Intent data aggregated by topic and company location. Derived from a network of high quality B2B publishers and data aggregators. Covers 6,000+ topics and 21M+ companies.

What is Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies) used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. Anteriad recommends using the data for Account-Based Marketing (ABM), Content Optimization, Account Profiling, Account Scoring, and B2B Sales. Global businesses and organizations buy B2B Leads Data from Anteriad to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies)?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for B2B Leads Data. Get in touch with Anteriad to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies) go?

This product has 18 months of historical coverage. It can be delivered on a weekly and monthly basis.

Which countries does Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies) cover?

This product includes data covering 1 country like USA. Anteriad is headquartered in United States of America.

How much does Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies) cost?

Pricing information for Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies) is available by getting in contact with Anteriad. Connect with Anteriad to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

How can I get Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies)?

Businesses can buy B2B Leads Data from Anteriad and get the data via S3 Bucket, Email, and REST API. Depending on your data requirements and subscription budget, Anteriad can deliver this product in .csv format.

What is the data quality of Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies)?

Anteriad has reported that this product has the following quality and accuracy assurances: 70% confidence level required to assign company location & topics. You can compare and assess the data quality of Anteriad using Datarade’s data marketplace. Anteriad appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including 10 Best Data Providers for ABM, Truthset Verified Data Providers - Q3 2021, and 10 Best Data Providers for Technographic Targeting.

What are similar products to Anteriad - B2B Intent Data USA by company location and topic (21 Million companies)?

This product has 3 related products. These alternatives include Indian B2B Prospect Data 72M Accurate & Fresh Leads, 7.2B Intent Signals, Key Decision-Maker Insights, Data Licensing - ABM Data- 152+ Million Contacts 13+ Million Companies - Updated Monthly Basis, and B2B Intent Data API Monitor 15k+ Topics and Intent Signals Capture Market Intentions Best Price Guarantee. You can compare the best B2B Leads Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request
License Starts at
One-off purchase Available
Monthly License Available
Yearly License Available
Usage-based Available