Best Data for Account Scoring
Account scoring is when you assign company prospects with lead scores you generate by assessing their likelihood to purchase, estimate ticket size, and whether they're your ICP.
Recommended Data for Account Scoring
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OceanFrogs offers company intelligence , tech stack analysis, Technology Spend Analysis,
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249 countries covered
365 days of historical data
PeerIntentâ„¢ from IT Central Station:
o Enterprise IT buyer intent data
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Access 206M+ job postings from 1.8M+ company websites to power B2B sales, market research, and workforce analytics. Track hiring trends, salary insights, and...
HG Insights
Based in USA
We offer the most comprehensive technographics in the industry, indexing billions of unstructured documents daily to produce a detailed and empirical census ...
Based in USA
We offer a comprehensive suite of portable solutions that can help you identify the right accounts to target via firmo/technographic information + B2B intent...
RampedUp Global Data Solutions
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850M Contacts
65M Mobiles
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PeerSpot is the fastest growing review platform for enterprise tech. PeerSpot helps enterprise buyers, including 97 of the Fortune 100 companies, to make bet...
Peers are most trusted
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LeadSift is a B2B intent data provider that identifies persona level insights. We combine data mining, machine learning, and AI to determine when a persona a...
Contact Level Intent
Multi-channel Email, ads
Salutary Data
Based in USA
Salutary Data is a leading provider of high-quality U.S. contact and company information, specializing in data enrichment and customized data feeds. Their da...
Unique Contact Profiles
Validated Work Emails
Validated Mobile Phones