Above Data
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Real-time OTT / streaming media consumption data on over 180M global households with 85% of those HHs located outside of the US. This bes...
180M households
85% streams outside the US
249 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Power your ESG models which this granular global company and employee sourced from thousands of sources to create a highly accurate and i...
198 countries covered
2 years of historical data
This dataset is brand new to market. It has 90% coverage of all auto transactions in the US including inventory levels offered on a daily...
15M annual transactions
90% transactions
USA covered
3 years of historical data
Above Data provides an intuitive, no-code cloud-based interface to tag, normalize, filter and analyze the largest datasets with ease. Wit...
240 countries covered
The industry standard to track financing and purchase activity related to construction, trucking, machine tooling and large office equipm...
1.5M transactions
USA covered
12 years of historical data
Over 2B SKUs covering 100s of retailers with no black-outs. Data is available on a daily basis and covers both in-store and online purcha...
USA covered
2 years of historical data
From a myriad of sources this data covers thousands of public and private companies across the globe and is able to capture up to 70% of ...
100M Global Businesses
249 countries covered
2 years of historical data