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About Above Data
Above Data in a Nutshell
Above Data offers exclusive data solutions and a no-code platform for fast decision-making.
Our data gives you a competitive edge and our no-code platform improves efficiency, lowers your costs and provides transparency insights.
We are based in San Francisco, CA and founded in the fall of 2019.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
Above Data provides exclusive data solutions across these key categories; SKU-level retail transaction, industrial transaction, employee/business, mobile clickstream, TV viewership and global clickstream
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Use Cases
Show 11 moreData Sources & Collection
All data is ethically sourced and meets all regulatory requirements.
Key Differentiators
- Exclusive Data partnerships enable us to create unique signals and insights
- 100% of Data is ethically sourced and compliant
- Our Platform gives you visibility into the underlying rules used to build features and the ability to customize and build your own proprietary features.
- Our No-Code Platform is designed to handle the most complex data problems, seamlessly. Users gain insights in hours vs. days through a simple Excel-like interface.
Data Privacy
Frequently asked questions about Above Data
What does Above Data do?
Above Data procures and packages unique data assets in a flexible, intuitive and no-code environment allowing you to get quick answers before the competition
How much does Above Data cost?
The supported pricing models for Above Data’s data are available by getting in contact with them via Datarade. Above Data offers free samples for individual data requirements. Get talking to a member of the Above Data team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Above Data’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does Above Data have?
Credit Card Data, Automotive Data, B2B Intent Data, Web Data, and 18 others
What data does Above Data offer?
Above Data provides exclusive data solutions across these key categories; SKU-level retail transaction, industrial transaction, employee/business, mobile clickstream, TV viewership and global clickstream
How does Above Data collect data?
All data is ethically sourced and meets all regulatory requirements.