AGR Marketing

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US only Digital Intent Data and Taxonomy Interest linkage. We receive over 1 billion records daily that contains MAID, Email, IP, Date/T...
100M Billion
100% Match Rate
USA covered
12 months of historical data
AGR has a national US database of all homeowners and properties they own. The file contains over 150 million properties between resident...
155M Records
95% Match Verify
USA covered
10 years of historical data
New Property owners are captured each month through the US county recorder offices. Find people by location, mortgage information, numb...
155 Million
95% Match Confidence
USA covered
2 years of historical data
This is a national Consumer Demographic Data file with over 400 fields of information. The file is updated monthly with NCOA/CASS proces...
232 Million
95% Match Confidence
USA covered
1 years of historical data
“AGR’s Automotive Database contains 165 million unique VIN records CASS and NCOA verified monthly. Roughly 700,000 new records are added ...
165 Million
95% Match Verified
USA covered
20 years of historical data