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US only Digital Intent Data and Taxonomy Interest linkage. We receive over 1 billion records daily that contains MAID, Email, IP, Date/T...
100M Billion
100% Match Rate
USA covered
6 months of historical data
US database of all homeowners and properties they own. The file contains over 150 million properties between residential, commercial, ag...
155M Records
95% Match Verify
USA covered
2 years of historical data
New Property owners are captured each month through the US. Find people by location, mortgage information, number of properties owned. ...
155 Million
95% Match Confidence
USA covered
1 years of historical data
This is a national Consumer Demographic Data file with over 400 fields of information. The file is updated monthly with NCOA/CASS proces...
232 Million
95% Match Confidence
USA covered
1 years of historical data
“AGR’s Automotive Database contains 165 million unique VIN records CASS and NCOA verified monthly. Roughly 700,000 new records are added ...
165 Million
95% Match Verified
USA covered
2 years of historical data