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About FarmersEdge
FarmersEdge in a Nutshell
We take connectivity to a whole new level. With our unique digital infrastructure, we deliver robust datasets right from the farm. Our all-in-one platform transforms information into insights and predictive intelligence to help you be more sustainable, productive and profitable.
Country Coverage
Data Offering
Our data is unique in that we have the most holistic understanding of farming operations; from yield to seeding date - we collect the most detailed data globally.
Use Cases
Data Sources & Collection
Weather - we have 3,200 weather stations across North and South America which we install and maintain
Telematics - through our proprietary can bus plugs, we collect thousands of data points from machinery
Soil - with labs in the US and Canada, we are a leading provider of soil testing
Frequently asked questions about FarmersEdge
What does FarmersEdge do?
We collect data from four primary sources: weather stations, satellite imagery, soil testing and machine telematics.
How much does FarmersEdge cost?
The supported pricing models for FarmersEdge’s data are available by getting in contact with them via Datarade. Get talking to a member of the FarmersEdge team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for FarmersEdge’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does FarmersEdge have?
Location Data, Map Data, Vehicle Location Data, Satellite Data, and 12 others
What data does FarmersEdge offer?
Our data is unique in that we have the most holistic understanding of farming operations; from yield to seeding date - we collect the most detailed data globally.
How does FarmersEdge collect data?
Weather - we have 3,200 weather stations across North and South America which we install and maintain Telematics - through our proprietary can bus plugs, we collect thousands of data points from machinery Soil - with labs in the US and Canada, we are a leading provider of soil testing