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About SafeGraph
SafeGraph in a Nutshell
SafeGraph is a data company. That’s it - that’s all we do. We predict the past. We want to understand how humans interact with the physical world. We are a market leader in accurate location data.
SafeGraph builds truth sets for machine learning, deep learning, and AI. We access truth sets by working with companies to securely manage, enhance, and monetize data.
SafeGraph is unlocking the world’s most powerful data so that machines and humans can answer society’s toughest questions.
Country Coverage
Featured in
Use Cases
- Visit Attribution
- Site Selection & Real Estate
- Alternative Data
- Underwriting
- Market Research
- Location-based Audiences
- Geospatial & Map Enrichment
- Consumer Data
- Competitive Intelligence
Certifications & Associations

Data Sources & Collection
We onboard data from thousands of diverse sources. We compare, de-dupe, cross-reference, and discard bad data.
Our building footprints are derived from satellite imagery and supplemented with hand-drawn polygons.
We use machine learning and human feedback to associate POI business listing info with building footprints.
We algorithmically classify brands and denote spatial hierarchy. POIs (like restaurants) can exist within other POIs (like airports).
Key Differentiators
Business category, open hours, and more are associated with each place. Closed stores can be filtered out. Irrelevant businesses (like home LLCs with no employees) are kept out.
Building footprints are derived from satellite imagery and places are spatially hierarchical. Polygons for sub-stores are specified and tied to their parent store geometry (e.g. Starbucks inside a strip mall). SafeGraph’s geofences offer the most precise understanding in the market on where stores are located.
Data Privacy
View our privacy policy for a detailed description of our policies.

Frequently asked questions about SafeGraph
What does SafeGraph do?
SafeGraph is a data company that builds datasets on the physical world for teams at ESRI, Microsoft, Verizon, and Mapbox. Our high-precision Places dataset covers business listings and building footprints/polygons for every place where people spend money and time.
How much does SafeGraph cost?
SafeGraph’s APIs and datasets range in cost from $0.05 / purchase to $30,000 / year. SafeGraph offers free samples for individual data requirements. Get talking to a member of the SafeGraph team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for SafeGraph’s data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does SafeGraph have?
Location Data, Map Data, Business Listings Data, Satellite Data, and 24 others
What data does SafeGraph offer?
We focused on providing the most accurate data on physical places.
How does SafeGraph collect data?
We onboard data from thousands of diverse sources. We compare, de-dupe, cross-reference, and discard bad data. Our building footprints are derived from satellite imagery and supplemented with hand-drawn polygons. We use machine learning and human feedback to associate POI business listing info with building footprints. We algorithmically classify brands and denote spatial hierarchy. POIs (like restaurants) can exist within other POIs (like airports).
What’s SafeGraph’s data privacy policy?
View our privacy policy for a detailed description of our policies.
What are the best use cases for SafeGraph’s data?
Visit Attribution Site Selection & Real Estate Alternative Data Underwriting Market Research Location-based Audiences Geospatial & Map Enrichment Consumer Data Competitive Intelligence
What platforms is SafeGraph integrated with?
AppNexus Data Marketplace, LiveRamp IdentityLink™ Data Store, Narrative I/O, ThinkDataWorks Marketplace, AWS Data Exchange, CARTO Data Observatory, Snowflake Data Marketplace, Cherre, Placekey, Databricks Marketplace, and Dewey