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218 Countries
280 M companies
3500 Business sectors
Our added value :
Our B2B database includes information on millions of active c...
207 countries covered
72 Countries
140 M Companies
3500 Business sectors
Combine data from local companies from around the world to your websites and mobile...
72 countries covered
Are you looking to target businesses in UK or to sell a product in UK
or you are just looking for additional data to enhance your UK loc...
7.71M records
100% registered companies
United Kingdom covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Germany or to sell a product in Germany or you are just looking for additional data to enhance yo...
5.69M records
100% Registered Companies
Germany covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in France or to sell a product in France or you are just looking for additional data to enhance your...
12.2M records
100% registered companies
France covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Italy or to sell a product in Italy or you are just looking for additional data to enhance your I...
6.78M records
100% registered companies
Italy covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Spain or to sell a product in Spain or you are just looking for additional data to enhance your S...
6.3M records
100% registered companies
Spain covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Australia or to sell a product in Australia or you are just looking for additional data to enhanc...
9.24M records
100% registered companies
Australia covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Austria or to sell a product in Austria or you are just looking for additional data to enhance yo...
780K records
100% registered companies
Austria covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Switserland or to sell a product in Switserland or you are just looking for additional data to en...
817K records
100% registered companies
Switzerland covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Netherlands or to sell a product in Netherlands or you are just looking for additional data to en...
3.37M records
100% registered companies
Netherlands covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Belgium or to sell a product in Belgium or you are just looking for additional data to enhance yo...
2.3M records
100% registered companies
Belgium covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Denmark or to sell a product in Denmark or you are just looking for additional data to enhance yo...
937K records
100% registered companies
Denmark covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Canada or to sell a product in Canada or you are just looking for additional data to enhance your...
3.38M records
100% registered companies
Canada covered
6 years of historical data
Are you looking to target businesses in Argentina or to sell a product in Argentina or you are just looking for additional data to enhanc...
2.15M records
100% registered companies
Argentina covered
6 years of historical data