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Contact Provider

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List of B2B senior decision-makers (Directors, Partners, VP, C-Level, Owners) in Finance & Insurance Industry (CFO, CIO, COO, Head Of Ins...
15K B2B contacts with emails
97% Accuracy
2 countries covered
1 months of historical data
List of B2B marketing decision-makers with high income (Directors, Partners, VP, C-Level, Owners) from India, with their personal or busi...
7K B2B contacts with emails
97% Accuracy
India covered
1 months of historical data
List of B2B senior decision-makers (Directors, Partners, VP, C-Level, Owners) in Manufacturing, Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade Industries ...
18K B2B contacts with emails
97% Accuracy
USA covered
1 months of historical data
Get business contact information that's verified by Leadbook's proprietary A.I. powered data technology.Build, enrich, or expand your dat...
200M Global Business Contacts
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam traps
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Select any pre-built bundles of regional, vertical-specific or seniority-specific datasets for quick, on-demand data acquisitions.
200 Records
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam Traps
98 countries covered
30 days of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. Rid your email lists of spam traps, hard bou...
200M Contacts
95% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam traps
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Customise your dataset with advanced targeting and receive a refreshed update of the dataset every quarter.
200M contacts
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase
249 countries covered
30 days of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. Gather your own data from publicly available...
200M contacts
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. A fully-customised, end-to-end, and all-in-o...
200M Records
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam Traps
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
A single platform to cover everything at top of funnel. Find and reach prospects with a verified global contact database, marketing autom...
1K contacts onwards (increments of 1,000 contacts)
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam traps
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. Lead generation database with 200 million co...
200M Global Business Contacts
97% bounce-free with complimentary 1-1 replacement within 30 days from date of purchase. No Spam traps
249 countries covered
1 months of historical data
Download this list of 5,000 senior management / decision-makers in the United States of America, powered by the Leadbook platform.
5K B2B contacts with emails
97% Accuracy
USA covered
1 months of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. Download this list of 8,000 marketers in the...
8K contacts with emails
95% accuracy guranteed. No hard bounces, No Spam traps
USA covered
1 months of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. Download this list of 3,000 senior managemen...
3K contacts with emails
97% accuracy guaranteed. No hard-bounces, No Spam traps
Singapore covered
1 months of historical data
Build, enrich, or expand your database with the right contacts from a source you can trust. Download this list of marketers, sales, and ...
2.5K contacts with emails
95% accuracy guaranteed. No hard-bounces.
Singapore covered
30 days of historical data