SETLD Competitors & Alternatives
Looking for the best GIS Data provider for your business? Better play the field. Discover data-driven solutions for Data Enrichment, Data Integration, and Data Intelligence. Find reviews for SETLD left by Datarade users, and compare SETLD’s data products and performance to the most popular competitors and alternatives. CustomWeather, Meteomatics, GeoPostcodes, and Geojunxion are the top competitors and alternatives to SETLD.
Top Competitors & Alternatives to SETLD
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Frequently asked questions about SETLD’s alternatives & competitors
What’s the competitive advantage of SETLD?
SETLD’s normalized datasets, custom analysis modules, information mashups and meaningful reporting are designed to break down common barriers, answer questions automatically and bring a custom news feed to your organization. SETLD offers numerous data transport mechanisms: FTP FGDB, DB Extracts, Custom, REST Services and has standardized / shareable Esri ArcGIS Online and Microsoft Power BI interfaces available for all of our products (consume in situ with a browser and credentials).
What are the best alternatives to SETLD?
CustomWeather, Meteomatics, GeoPostcodes, Geojunxion,, MapMyIndia, Lepton Software, SafeGraph, Xverum, and Axiom EMI