Best Schools Databases with School Data
School databases contain personal data about students, parents, guardians, and staff members at the school, as well as other data about the school, such as the timetable, call, and year group information. Personal data includes things like medical conditions, emergency contact numbers, and photo permissions. Browse the following schools databases to find a database that suits your needs best.
Recommended Schools Databases
1-10 of 78 product results for "Schools Databases"

List of 4,8M Schools worldwide
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Autoscraping | USA Private Schools | Tuition, Student Demographics & Annual Updates
Organization Name
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Schools database in the UK for state and independent schools - by Oscar Research (35k records)
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Australia Point-of-Interest (PoI) | Dataset-1: Schools
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Intelligent Event Data | Track School Holidays for Demand Forecasting | US | Area Polygons Available
Country Code Alpha-2
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Geojunxion Germany school data set with over 32.000 up-to-date addresses and contact data.
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Education Industry Data | Global Education Sector Professionals | Verified LinkedIn Profiles from 700M+ Dataset | Best Price Guarantee
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Geolocet | Points of Interest (POI) data | Europe | Stores, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Schools, Hospitals, and more | Fully customizable format
Email Address
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and 40 more countries | Rental Data | Real Estate Data | Property Listings
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Ivy League Business Pros from Solution Publishing | 1M US Education Alumni Data | B2B Email Data | Safe to Email
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