Best Data for Venture Capital (VC)
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Televisory is an interactive one-stop global financial market data platform providing extensive data for financial analytics and sound business decisions. Ac...
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HG Insights
Based in USA
We offer the most comprehensive technographics in the industry, indexing billions of unstructured documents daily to produce a detailed and empirical census ...
Based in USA
Factori is a flexible and adaptable data provider. We help you make smarter decisions and build better solutions based on real world location data.
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Consumer Edge
Based in USA
Consumer Edge is a leader in alternative consumer data for public and private investors and corporate clients. Transaction data, scanner data, web data, and ...
Credit & Debit Cards
Public & Private Brands
Parent Companies
Based in USA
Structured company intelligence data powering your business via APIs, Flat Files and Webhooks.
Company signals help you identify growing companies, unders...
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With our offering of 710M+ professional profiles and 106M+ company records, businesses are guaranteed to find the right data and reach their goals. Moreover,...
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Based in Singapore
Enabling Intelligent Financial Analysis and Decisions for Investors, Lenders, Advisors, Entrepreneurs and Corporations