Best Data for Speech Recognition

Find the best data sources for Speech Recognition. Compare data samples from the top data providers and buy the right dataset with confidence.
Our Data Partners
100K hours per month
99.5% word accuracy
136 countries covered
Nexdata is equipped with professional recording equipment and has resources pool of 70+ countries and regions, and provide various types of speech recognitio...
100 hour
6 countries covered
- Dataset of 100 hours of conversational speech segmented by speaker and transcribed for training speech recognition models. Perfect for training a speaker d...
50K Hours
98% sentence/word
21 countries covered
The recorded text is a mixture multi-language sentences, covering general scenes and human-computer interaction scenes. The Natural Language Processing (NLP)...
50 Hours
99% Accurate
South Africa covered
50 hours of simulated, unscripted agent-caller dialogue. Domains include: Insurance, Retail, Debt Collection, Travel. 46 participants from Western Cape, No...
15K Hours
98% sentence/word
54 countries covered
Nexdata has off-the-shelf 15,000 hours Machine Learning (ML) Data of 8kHz conversational speech, covering 100+ countries including English, German, French, S...
50 Hours
99% Accurate
South Africa covered
50 hours of simulated, unscripted agent-caller dialogue. Domains include: Insurance, Retail, Debt Collection, Travel. 49 participants from Limpopo, North-W... - StageZero profile banner
Based in Finland
We are a Helsinki, Finland-based AI data company and innovator of the ground-breaking MicroTasks technology used for ethical data creation and labeling.
Trusted by
Billion $ companies
1k+ users
Available instantly
Coverage - WayWithWords profile banner
Based in United Kingdom
Having produced proprietary speech datasets for customers over the years, Way With Words is now listing its own off-the-shelf datasets in order to evidence o...
Compliant - Nexdata profile banner
Based in USA
Founded in 2011, Nexdata has grown to be a globally renowned AI training data service company. Nexdata owns an extensive library of off-the-shelf datasets an...
200K Hours Speech, 500TB Image
Above 95%
Collected with Consent