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Quantitative Model Data – 100+ Economic Indicators, Inflation Data, Bankruptcy Data, Consensus Estimates Data with 20+ Years of Lookback Globally

Rich Data Set – Access inflation data, central bank reports, producer/consumer price indices, wages, ... Access Economic Data across 200+ markets with 100+ indicators on quantitative model, inflation, bankruptcy
Available for 250 countries
250K Companies/ISINs
20 years of historical data
99% Fill Rate
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Inflation- Average of Bangladesh

Average Inflation Rate refers to the data which is a 12-month average value of the Inflation Rate. ... Here we are going to provide the yearly data of Average Inflation Rate of Bangladesh.
Available for 129 countries
23 Percentage
23 years of historical data
Starts at
$25 / purchase
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FinPricing Inflation Curve Data Feed API - USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

Inflation curves are used to price inflation securities and inflation derivatives, such as inflation ... The most popular inflation products are inflation linked bonds, zero coupon inflation swaps, inflation
Available for 5 countries
5M records
5 years of historical data
100% match market quotes
Available Pricing:
Yearly License

FinPricing Inflation Linked Bond Curve Data Feed API - USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

An inflation indexed bond is designed to hedge the inflation risk of the bond. ... Inflation linked bond curve is the term structures of inflation linked bonds vs maturities.
Available for 5 countries
1M record
5 years of historical data
100% market quotes
Available Pricing:
Yearly License

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250K Companies/ISINs
99% Fill Rate
250 countries covered
Access Economic Data across 200+ markets with 100+ indicators on quantitative model, inflation, bankruptcy, consensus estimates, and fundamentals. Track macr...
5M records
100% match market quotes
5 countries covered
Inflation curve or inflation forward curve or Consumer Price Index (CPI) curve is the term structures of CPI rates at different maturities. Inflation curves ...
1M record
100% market quotes
5 countries covered
Inflation linked bond curve is the term structures of the most liquid inflation bond prices at some maturities.
23 Percentage
129 countries covered
23 years of historical data
Here we are going to provide the yearly data of Average Inflation Rate of Bangladesh.
23 Percentage
129 countries covered
23 years of historical data
Here we are going to provide the yearly data of Average Inflation Rate of Bangladesh.
250K Companies/ISINs
99% Fill Rate
250 countries covered
Access Economic Data across 200+ markets with 100+ indicators on quantitative model, inflation, bankruptcy, consensus estimates, and fundamentals. Track macr...
1M record
100% market quotes
5 countries covered
Inflation linked bond curve is the term structures of the most liquid inflation bond prices at some maturities.
5M records
100% match market quotes
5 countries covered
Inflation curve or inflation forward curve or Consumer Price Index (CPI) curve is the term structures of CPI rates at different maturities. Inflation curves ...