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16 Results

Upcoming Infrastructure - InfraNow. INDIA Upcoming, nascent, and near completion infrastructural projects information

Data of nascent, ongoing, upcoming, and completed Infrastructure projects in India. ... Map-based data-driven insights on various ongoing, upcoming, and completed infrastructural projects across
Available for 1 countries
134K records
95% Accuracy
Pricing available upon request

Land Cover & Urban Planning Data | Satellite Data: Land Use, Real Estate, Construction, Flooding Risk & Management, Infrastructure

Infrastructure Monitoring: Combine Super-Resolution and Flood Risk layers to monitor infrastructure in ... It provides highly detailed visuals for urban planning, infrastructure monitoring, and environmental
Available for 250 countries
10 years of historical data
100% Global Coverage
Pricing available upon request
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Automaton AI Image & Video Data of Building Constructions / Infrastructure

design infrastructure that is not only self driven but also flawless. ... In the field of infrastructure management, AI has the potential to bring about a transformation and eventually
Available for 1 countries
1.1K Images
Pricing available upon request

setld GoM (Gulf of Mexico) Geospatial & Infrastructure Data Product (GDP)

Gulf of Mexico: Reserves, Land / Lease, Field, Well, Production, Activity, Infrastructure, Geological ... setld GoM Data Product (GDP) is Geospatial E&P Data for the U.S.
Available for 1 countries
92 Total Feature Classes (Tables)
100 years of historical data
99% Correctness
Starts at
$1,500$1,350 / month
10% Datarade discount

IPRoyal | Proxies For Web Scraping | Residential proxies | Datacenter proxies | 195+ countries available | 8M+ IPs | Global proxy infrastructure

by IPRoyal
IPRoyal is a proxy service provider that offers a proxy infrastructure for data-gathering tasks. ... The most popular use cases used with proxies are data gathering and web scraping.
Available for 249 countries
8M proxies
3 years of historical data
99.8% uptime
Starts at
$1.75 / GB
10% revenue share

Market Research Data | Global Map data | Geographic data | Address and Zip Code Database | Geocoded

All geospatial data is updated weekly to maintain the highest data quality, including challenging countries ... methodology Our map data packages are offered in variable formats, including .csv.
Available for 247 countries
66 K rows updated per week
99% match rate
Pricing available upon request
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Point Topic Broadband Data | NUTS3 European Broadband Technology Availability | Time Series | Telecom Data

users to track trends, assess growth patterns, and make informed decisions based on the latest fixed infrastructure ... data available.
Available for 29 countries
1.4K NUTS3 Regions
11 years of historical data
100% EU Coverage
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
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Point Topic Broadband Data | Country-Level European Broadband ISP & Tariffs Data | Time Series | Updated Quarterly

Covering ISP data (fixed network coverage data) in 31 European countries, including the EU, UK, Norway ... Purchases made on data marketplaces are one-off snapshot or annual subscription only.
Available for 29 countries
200 Broadband Operators
Starts at
$5,800 / year
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EVSE Electric Vehicle Charging Daily Utilization Data for United States and Europe

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, historical utilization data from the present day to 2019 covering ... Electric vehicle charging infrastructure historical and current daily utilization data from the present
Available for 38 countries
250K chargers
3 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License

Point Topic Telecom Data | Country-Level Geospatial Broadband ISP Data, Subscriber Statistics | Time Series | Updated Quarterly

Clients can search and compare data by ISP, country, region, technology and time period. ... country, operator, technology, wholesale/retail, as well as a comprehensive time series from 2009, with data
Available for 120 countries
400 Operators
15 years of historical data
80% Broadband Market By Population
Starts at
$5,800 / year
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More Infrastructure Data Products

Discover related infrastructure data products.
400 Operators
80% Broadband Market By Population
120 countries covered
Global Broadband Subscriber Statistics by Country, ISP and Technology for over 100 countries and 400 ISPs, covering all major technology groups. Time series ...
1.4K NUTS3 Regions
100% EU Coverage
29 countries covered
European NUTS3-Level Broadband Availability by Technology Group. Covers all major fixed network technology groups including FTTP, Cable, DSL, as well as 2/30...
100% Global Coverage
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Latitudo 40's Land Cover Data provides satellite insights for urban planning, real estate, and environmental risk management. It includes land classification...
200 Broadband Operators
29 countries covered
Broadband ISPs & Tariffs provides profiles on 200 operators from 31 European countries (EU, UK, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland), covering broadband, VOIP an...
10K sqkm
France covered
Square Kilometre-Level Grid with Broadband ISP & Technology Availability Data for France. Enables competitor analysis and market research. Covering 12 ISPs. ...
66 K rows updated per week
99% match rate
247 countries covered
A truly global location dataset containing geospatial data such as zip codes, cities, addresses, and administrative divisions for address validation, supply ...
8M proxies
99.8% uptime
249 countries covered
IPRoyal is a proxy service provider that offers a proxy infrastructure for data-gathering tasks. Its proxy infrastructure covers 195+ countries around the wo...
92 Total Feature Classes (Tables)
99% Correctness
USA covered
setld GoM Data Product (GDP) is Geospatial E&P Data for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Reserves, Land / Lease, Field, Well, Production, Activity, Infrastructure, ...
250K chargers
38 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Summarized analysis and reports of electric vehicle charging station utilization and metadata using our own dataset that covers the United States and Europe ...
250K chargers
38 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, historical utilization data from the present day to 2019 covering the continental US and Europe. Charging stations ...
134K records
95% Accuracy
India covered
Data of nascent, ongoing, upcoming, and completed Infrastructure projects in India. Covers various industry sectors like transport infra, manufacturing, powe...
250K chargers
38 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure historical session data from the present day to 2019 covering the continental US and Europe. Charging stations are l...
100% Global Coverage
250 countries covered
10 years of historical data
Latitudo 40's Land Cover Data provides satellite insights for urban planning, real estate, and environmental risk management. It includes land classification...
66 K rows updated per week
99% match rate
247 countries covered
A truly global location dataset containing geospatial data such as zip codes, cities, addresses, and administrative divisions for address validation, supply ...
10K sqkm
France covered
Square Kilometre-Level Grid with Broadband ISP & Technology Availability Data for France. Enables competitor analysis and market research. Covering 12 ISPs. ...
16 Land Area
Netherlands covered
Square-Kilometre-Level Broadband ISP Availability Data for Netherlands. Covering 10 ISPs across most urban areas. Updated bi-annually. All data is geo-located.
400 Operators
80% Broadband Market By Population
120 countries covered
Global Broadband Subscriber Statistics by Country, ISP and Technology for over 100 countries and 400 ISPs, covering all major technology groups. Time series ...
1.4K NUTS3 Regions
100% EU Coverage
29 countries covered
European NUTS3-Level Broadband Availability by Technology Group. Covers all major fixed network technology groups including FTTP, Cable, DSL, as well as 2/30...