Workplace Diversity Data: Best Workplace Diversity Datasets & Databases

What is workplace diversity data and how can it be utilized? This article explores the best datasets and databases available for workplace diversity data, providing valuable sources for purchasing this data on Discover the most comprehensive and reliable data sources for understanding and analyzing workplace diversity, enabling businesses to gain insights into employee demographics, inclusion efforts, and equality initiatives.

What is Workplace Diversity Data?

Workplace diversity data refers to information collected and analyzed about the composition of employees within an organization, focusing on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, and other characteristics. It provides insights into the representation and distribution of different groups within the workforce, helping organizations understand the level of diversity and inclusion within their ranks. This data is crucial for identifying disparities, setting diversity goals, and implementing strategies to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
Examples of Workplace Diversity Data include information on the gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability status, and sexual orientation of employees within an organization. This data is used to measure and track the representation and inclusion of diverse groups in the workplace, identify disparities, and inform diversity and inclusion initiatives. In this page, you’ll find the best data sources for Workplace Diversity Data.

Data Specialist Lucy
Lucy Kelly
Data Specialist

Best Workplace Diversity Data Databases & Datasets

Here is Datarade's curated selection of top Workplace Diversity Data. These trusted databases and datasets offer high-quality, up-to-date information.

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Accutrend Data: B2B Diversity Business Intelligence for USA

Available for 1 countries
1.42M ADC Universe Count
15 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
revenue share

Diversity and Inclusion Dataset by Akadia

by Akadia
Available for 140 countries
3K companies
5 years of historical data
Pricing available upon request
revenue share

Human Resources (HR) & Job Postings Data - Job Market Data from Company Websites directly

Available for 182 countries
10M verified descriptions
98% quality match
Available Pricing:
One-off purchase
Yearly License
Free sample preview
Starts at
$7 / 10,000 records
Free sample preview
Available Pricing:
Yearly License

Akadia - Standardized ESG Data & Core Fundamentals Data (200 indicators)

by Akadia
Available for 140 countries
200 Data Points
5 years of historical data
Available Pricing:
Yearly License
Starts at
$10,000 / year

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Workplace Diversity Data?

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Workplace Diversity Data products and samples. Popular Workplace Diversity Data products and datasets available on our platform are DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Data | Workplace Diversity Data | 14000+ Companies | 7 Years Historical Data | GIST Impact by GIST, Accutrend Data: B2B Diversity Business Intelligence for USA by Accutrend, and RGS’ Raw ESG Data| Companies Employment Data| Employees, Wages, Diversity, Well-Being| 7k+ Global Companies| 7 Years History| All Sectors| Tickerized by Richmond Global Sciences.

How can I get Workplace Diversity Data?

You can get Workplace Diversity Data via a range of delivery methods - the right one for you depends on your use case. For example, historical Workplace Diversity Data is usually available to download in bulk and delivered using an S3 bucket. On the other hand, if your use case is time-critical, you can buy real-time Workplace Diversity Data APIs, feeds and streams to download the most up-to-date intelligence.