Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data product image in hero

Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data

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A series of key statistical tables and charts for North American propane supply produced by gas plants, refineries and fractionators.
KEY DATA POINTS Annual summary statistical tables by region(ranked) 10 year summary statistical tables by region(ranked) Propane supply totals by major extraction plant(ranked) 8 years of Propane pricing tables (Belvieu, Conway 140) ADVANTAGES Optimization of plant operations production plans Improve transportation logistics Assessing regional supply trends Useful for making regional supply comparisons over time Supply-Price Analytics


North America (2)
United States of America


10 years of historical data


5,000 records


Sulpetro has not published pricing information for this product yet. You can request detailed pricing information below.

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business
Medium-sized Business


Self-reported by the provider
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Use Cases

Economic Analysis
Supply Chain Intelligence Price Analysis
Price Monitoring


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Frequently asked questions

What is Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data?

A series of key statistical tables and charts for North American propane supply produced by gas plants, refineries and fractionators.

What is Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data used for?

This product has 5 key use cases. Sulpetro recommends using the data for Benchmarking, Economic Analysis, Supply Chain Intelligence, Price Analysis, and Price Monitoring. Global businesses and organizations buy B2B Contact Data from Sulpetro to fuel their analytics and enrichment.

Who can use Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data?

This product is best suited if you’re a Small Business, Medium-sized Business, or Enterprise looking for B2B Contact Data. Get in touch with Sulpetro to see what their data can do for your business and find out which integrations they provide.

How far back does the data in Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data go?

This Tabular Data has 10 years of historical coverage.

Which countries does Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data cover?

This product includes data covering 2 countries like USA and Canada. Sulpetro is headquartered in Canada.

How much does Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data cost?

Pricing information for Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data is available by getting in contact with Sulpetro. Connect with Sulpetro to get a quote and arrange custom pricing models based on your data requirements.

What is the data quality of Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data?

Sulpetro has reported that this product has the following quality and accuracy assurances: 90% match rate. You can compare and assess the data quality of Sulpetro using Datarade’s data marketplace. Sulpetro appears on selected Datarade top lists ranking the best data providers, including Who’s New on Datarade? .

What are similar products to Sulpetro - North American Propane Supply data - Natural Gas Liquid Data?

This Tabular Data has 3 related products. These alternatives include - Small Business Contact Data Refreshed 2x/Mo LinkedIn Profile Data Delivery Hourly via CSV/JSON/PostgreSQL, Factori B2B Company Seach API:Company Identification Data, and Phone Number Data Decision Makers Contact Numbers Direct Phone Numbers Business Phone Numbers 400M+ Contacts 100% Accurate Data . You can compare the best B2B Contact Data providers and products via Datarade’s data marketplace and get the right data for your use case.

Pricing available upon request