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Optimized for quick response

Our data experts take the time to understand your business, target group and campaign. Based on these insights we create a highly targete...
154M Generic Email addresses
95% Direct Email addresses
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Find new clients worldwide with our highly accurate firmographic database with 341.897.577 businesses worldwide. Firmographics is data re...
243M Company names and postal addresses
100% match rate with national ID
240 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Optimize your business with continually verified business data. Integrate our B2B Data API in your systems and get access to 300 million ...
243M Company names
98% phones
249 countries covered
5 years of historical data
Find new customers in the Logistics Industry with top quality addresses. Apply your preferred filter.
1.3M contacts
98% quality rate
240 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Start your project with a list of all healthcare companies with extreme accuracy.
10M Other specialists
97% phone numbers
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Find new clients worldwide with our highly accurate company database with 341.897.577 businesses and contacts from 100+ countries. Delive...
243M Company datasets
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
With data on more than 300 million companies we are the resource for private company data.
243M Private Company datasets
98% quality rate
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Harness the power of meticulously curated B2B data to supercharge your global client acquisition efforts. Our extensive B2B Data Base is ...
243M Company datasets
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
BoldData provides a high quality customized list with all 20,553,673 construction companies worldwide.Or buy our worldwide database with ...
20.6M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Are you a newcomer into the business world or looking to target manufacturing companies worldwide? BoldData provides a high quality custo...
22.2M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Are you a newcomer into the business world or looking to target wholesale companies worldwide? BoldData provides a high quality customize...
27.4M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
BoldData provides a high quality customized list with all 38,554,063 retail companies worldwide. Or buy our worldwide database with 300 m...
38.6M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Are you a newcomer into the business world or looking to target automotive companies worldwide? BoldData provides a high quality customiz...
9.15M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
Are you a newcomer into the business world or looking to target transport companies worldwide? BoldData provides a high quality customize...
10.8M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data
BoldData provides a high quality customized list with all 6,366,925 IT companies worldwide. Or buy our worldwide database with 300 mill...
6.37M Companies
99% Registered companies
249 countries covered
4 years of historical data