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About Boston Analytics
Boston Analytics in a Nutshell
We were founded in 2012 and are focused on using Artificial Intelligence for strategic decision making. We have our own AI platform that enables us to connect varied data types. We use machine learning and graph analytics to make predictions on industry and company attractiveness. Our analytics is used by Private Equity firms, Investment Banks, Consulting Firms, and Corporations. Our use cases cover M&A, Competitive Market Intelligence, Sales and Marketing, and Enterprise Risk.
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Show 2 moreFrequently asked questions about Boston Analytics
What does Boston Analytics do?
TMT industry is granularly segmented into 65 segments (for example, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, etc.). 102,000 companies are mapped to the 65 segments in a Knowledge Graph. Industry and company analytics is available for Maturity, Funding, and Acquisition predictions and business signals
How much does Boston Analytics cost?
Boston Analytics’ APIs and datasets range in cost from $4,000 / month to $550,000 / purchase. Boston Analytics offers free samples for individual data requirements. Get talking to a member of the Boston Analytics team to receive custom pricing options, information about data subscription fees, and quotes for Boston Analytics’ data offering tailored to your use case.
What kind of data does Boston Analytics have?
Market Research Data, News Data, Alternative Data, Event Data, and 4 others