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CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is so-named as it is run at 100-m horizontal resolution. T...
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
Earthquake Reports Features a summary of all significant earthquake activity including earthquake magnitude, depth, and location. Reports...
249 countries covered
2 weeks of historical data
CustomWeather's Ski Resort Weather Forecasts for ski resorts around the world. Hour by hour, altitude-specific snow forecast information ...
4.8K Global Ski Resorts
100% highest possible accuracy
248 countries covered
CustomWeather's Severe Weather Data features advisories based on forecasted severe weather events as projected by CustomWeather's proven ...
85K locations in the CustomWeather database
100% highest possible accuracy
249 countries covered
Global Satellite Imagery updated every hour for the entire globe. Global mosaic. This satellite data is transferred via xml, maps, or sha...
249 countries covered
5-day ahead flood map data for any country or region. Maps updated daily and delivered in multiple formats. Risk broken into 5 categori...
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven marine weather forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. Daily PDF, 5-day outlooks for any global coastal locat...
10K locations
100% accuracy
249 countries covered
12 years of historical data
Historical hourly wind and air density data at 100 meter hub height, available globally back to 1980.
249 countries covered
41 years of historical data
CustomWeather runs a unique Cloud Weather Services (details below) that houses historical, satellite-derived data from the robust ERA-5 s...
249 countries covered
43 years of historical data
Real-Time Weather Data for 8,500 ICAO locations and 4,000 WMO locations worldwide. The ICAO stations report current conditions every hou...
8.5K ICAO Stations
99% match rate
249 countries covered
40 years of historical data
CustomWeather offers month-by-month Temperature Data and Rainfall Data forecasts based on the robust North American Multi-Ensemble (NMME)...
249 countries covered
CustomWeather runs a proven forecast model, the CustomWeather 100. The model is run at 100-m horizontal resolution! Historical Weather ...
85K Global Weather Forecast Points
100% Highest Possible Accuracy
249 countries covered
11 years of historical data
CustomWeather houses hourly and daily climate data for 8,500 global weather stations. This archived weather data extends back to the 194...
8.5K Global Weather Stations
100% Accurate Data
249 countries covered
Features 48-hour ahead forecasts of airport delays based on projected weather conditions. Provides the reason for delay and estimated tim...
300 Global Airports
249 countries covered
CustomWeather provides population-weighted Heating Degree Day and Cooling Degree Data, both historically and forward looking for any coun...
240 countries covered
30 years of historical data