HealthWise Data

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Propensities around an individual's lifestyle when it comes to health - with indicators such as diet, tobacco use, exercise and more.
265 Million US Adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data
HealthWise Data's proprietary segmentation system, WELLth Ability to Pay for Medical Expenses, groups every US adult into 1 of 9 clusters...
265 Million US Adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data
Seniors with chronic conditions are often difficult to reach, so it’s necessary to get in front of their Caregivers. We help you identify...
165 Million Caregivers in Digital Audiences
USA covered
1 years of historical data
HealthWise Data's proprietary segmentation system, pH Personas for Health, groups every US adult into one of 14 clusters based on their o...
265 Million US Adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data
Overall Health Score and 20+ ailment predictions including diabetes, heart disease, COPD, asthma, arthritis and more.
265 Million US Adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data
265M US Adults (with name & address), each with a value for our 70+ health & wellness propensities, including likely ailments, healthy li...
265 Million US Adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data
Hundreds of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) including core demographics, HH attributes, purchase behaviors, and more.
265 Million US adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data
Overall health conscientiousness score, likeliness to have a PCP, likeliness to get annual exams, and more.
265 Million US Adults
USA covered
1 years of historical data