Measurable AI

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E-receipt dataset is Itemized, high-definition data per transaction level with metrics such as order value, items ordered, no. of orders ...
25 countries covered
2017 years of historical data
Global alternative data. Ride-hailing data across multiple key players in South East Asia, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, United State...
18 countries covered
High-definition SKU-level transaction data on a per transactional level for the e-commerce industry across emerging markets.
24 countries covered
High-definition SKU level, consumer transaction data on a per transactional level for the ecommerce industry across the emerging markets.
24 countries covered
Measurable AI's e-receipt data is a weekly/ monthly order volume and revenue delivered in aggregate form, with historical data dating bac...
13 countries covered
3 years of historical data
This email receipt ride-sharing dataset covers major players in regions like APAC, South-East Asia, Latin America, and part of Europe and...
18 countries covered
Granular e-receipt data for Middle Eastern markets such as UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi, etc. We have ride-hailing, ride-sharing, food de...
6 countries covered
Real purchase/ consumer transaction data via transactional email receipts. Main sectors: e-commerce, food delivery, ride hailing, payment...
9 countries covered
Consumer Purchase data/ Ecommerce data. Amazon granular transactional email receipt datasets across all geographies with our largest pane...
13 countries covered
3 years of historical data
Ride hailing receipt data across multiple key players in South East Asia, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, United States, India and Japan.
18 countries covered
Netflix email receipt data provides accurate consumer insights and understanding of industry trends based on consumer transaction data fr...
7 countries covered
6 years of historical data
Temu e-receipt data provides accurate consumer insights and understanding of industry trends based on consumer transaction data from our ...
7 countries covered
6 years of historical data
UberEats E-Receipt data provides accurate consumer insights and understanding of industry trends based on restaurant & food delivery tran...
182 countries covered
6 years of historical data
GrabFood and Grab Express Restaurant & Food Delivery Transaction datasets provide accurate consumer insights and understanding of industr...
8 countries covered
6 years of historical data
FoodPanda Food & Grocery Transaction data provide accurate consumer insights and understanding of industry trends based on restaurant & f...
7 countries covered
6 years of historical data