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Access 206M+ job postings from 1.8M+ company websites to power B2B sales, market research, and workforce analytics. Track hiring trends, ...
1.8M Websites
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Harness PredictLeads Job Postings Data to pinpoint emerging startups in key sectors like AI, providing Venture Capital firms with essenti...
1.8M Websites
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Discover strategic sales opportunities with PredictLeads News Events Data, covering over 2 million websites with real-time insights into ...
7 + Million News Events Detected.
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered
9 years of historical data
Leverage PredictLeads News Data to enhance venture capital strategies with over 2 million websites tracked, providing crucial Venture Cap...
7 +Million News Events Detected.
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered
9 years of historical data
Track 756M+ technology adoptions across 51M+ websites to optimize B2B sales and marketing. Gain historical and real-time insights into 25...
756M Technology Adoptions Detected
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Leverage PredictLeads Technographic Data to spot emerging tech companies and track technology trends across 51 million websites, offering...
25K + Technologies Tracked
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Enhance your B2B strategy with PredictLeads Key Customers Logo Data, utilizing insights from 222 million Key Customers across 43 million ...
222 Million Key Customers detected
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered
6 years of historical data
PredictLeads’ Technology Detection API provides venture capital firms with technographic data to identify companies by tech adoption. Thi...
25K Technologies tracked
99% accuracy
248 countries covered
6 years of historical data
PredictLeads provides essential B2B intent data and company funding data for venture capital and private equity firms. Dataset includes V...
152K websites where financing data is available
250 countries covered
9 years of historical data
Leverage PredictLeads Financing Events B2B Intent data to identify and track funding rounds including Venture capital rounds, Private Equ...
245K Financing events since 2016
250 countries covered
9 years of historical data
Gain insights into 222M+ business connections across 43M+ companies worldwide. Track partnerships, vendor relationships, integrations, in...
222 Million key customers detected
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered
6 years of historical data
Enhance HR and recruitment strategies with PredictLeads Job Openings Data, offering fresh, directly sourced insights from company website...
206 Million Job Openings detected
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Harness PredictLeads Technographic Data to power advanced B2B analytics and technical account profiling, capturing unique insights from j...
25K + Technologies Tracked
99% %
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
Access 206M+ job postings from 1.8M+ company websites through web scraping for real-time hiring insights, salary trends, and skill demand...
1.8M Websites
99% Accuracy
250 countries covered
7 years of historical data
PredictLeads delivers essential B2B sentiment and news data through advanced web scraping, supporting market analysis, customer profiling...
7 Million News Events Detected
95% Accuracy
250 countries covered
9 years of historical data